Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Jeanette Jenkins Bikini Bootcamp Review

Bikini Bootcamp
Jeanette Jenkins, 2009 

This is a 75 minute workout that is split up into 2 main workouts: Cardio camp is 28 minutes of cardio and chisel camp is 25 minutes of strength work. There is also a 5 minute w/u, a 9 minute ab camp w/o, and a 7 minute stretch. You can "play all" or you can select which workout you want to do. The set is nice and open hardwood floors with some beach paraphernalia in the background. There are 2 background exercisers. You will need various dumbbells for the ab & chisel camp w/o's. The music is high energy instrumental-which I liked.

I like the warmup -it gets right to the point and is very dynamic. I *think* the music is "Wipeout" LOL. The w/u reminds me of Jillian Michael's newer dvd w/u's with big arm motions along w/ LB movements. After a few minutes she moves into a quick stretch.

Cardio Camp is high energy and nonstop! I love love loved it! The cardio is athletic and easy to follow but really got my heart rate up and I was sweating like crazy! She does 5 cardio sets and the moves include: 1) jacks, high knees, skaters, knee hops, power jacks.2) kick combos, kick with a floor touch, sped bag, repeater knees. 3) squat thrusts, shuffle & floor touch, knee up-kick combo, pendulums. 4) jab w/ fast feet, oblique crunch w/ a kick, hook-upper cut combo w/ a plyo. 5) jump rope, volleyball moves including a dig, spike, and block. LOVED the cardio section.

Chisel Camp is nonstop multi-muscle strength work. She starts with pushup into sideplank, and some tough plank variations and moves into lunges with bicep curl variations, and chair pose into a short dip. Then you do some full form squats (all the way down into an overhead press), and pliet w/ tricep press. Then you begin a sidelunge with a 1/2 moon type shoulder raise, triceps kick back w/ a back kick. The last move is a static squat w/ a back fly. I was sweating and my heart was pumping throughout this section too!

I didnt get to the ab section but I previewed most of it during my stretch and she does some weighted crunch variations, bicycles, and other lying ab work. I will do it tomorrow and report back :) I also didnt do the stretch section.

I would rate this a low advanced w/o. I loved it! I like Jeanettes style and demeanor and didn't have any problems following her cueing at all. This is a tough but still fun w/o that will find a place in everyones dvd collection. It can easily be put together for a long w/o or divided up into several shorter w/o's. Jeanette reminds me of Nadia from Barrys Bootcamp Academy series (leg day)-her voice and some of the things she says. And as a sidenote-the background exercisers are Teri Ann (Ex TV, Crunch, b/g in Firms) and Kat (the beginner mod in BBC Fat Blaster & a b/g in PowerFit Harmony).

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