
Monday, July 30, 2012

Review: JNL Fusion: Lower Body Fusion and Lean Legs

JNL Fusion: Lower Body Fusion & Lean Legs 
Jennifer Nicole Lee, 2012

 This disc contains two lower body workouts. Jennifer leads these workouts in a gym with a group background exercisers. You will need dumbbells and an optional cordless rope for both workouts. Music options are available.

Fusion Lower Body: This is a 28 min lower body & cardio circuit. Two exercise (one LB & one cardio) are performed three times. Exercises include: lunge, plyo lunge, dip, plank frog hops, squat to kick, squat jacks, pliets, squat side kicks, crab plyo kicks, calf raises, and cross country skiing. I rate this workout advanced! Love that the cardio exercise often mimics the previous strength exercise.

Lean Legs: This is a 29 min lower body & cardio circuit workout. You perform one cardio & one LB strength exercise three times. Exercises include: squats, squat hops, split lunges, jump rope, sumo squats, plyo jacks, 1 leg balance deadlift, scissor jacks, calf raises, Heisman drill, bridge, & superman leg raises. I rate this routine solid to high intermediate.

The advanced mod shows a band option. The w/o's are different from each other & compliment each other well. Jennifer has a great energy, is very motivating and provides great form pointers. The exercisers are using lighter weights but I found I could use moderately heavy poundage and really burn out my muscles while still keeping pace. The workouts really allow you to go at your own pace. I received this dvd to review.
For more information or to purchase the JNL Fusion System, visit:
JNL Fusion on the web 
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