
Friday, August 10, 2012

Nutrisystem Week 20 Update: 15.1 lbs Down (UHM YAY!)

Nutrisystem Total Twenty Week Loss: 15.1 lbs
This weeks loss: 2.2 lbs

Woot! Go me! Great weigh in- thats a huge loss for me!!! and drum roll- I hit my goal of 15 lbs down on Nutrisystem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am actually contemplating wearing a bikini tomorrow. A full on bikini, I always wear a bikini top but with shorts for bottoms. WELL I actually do own bikini bottoms but never wear them. We are tubing with friends tomorrow and I am seriously considering it- like 99% sure. I may still chicken out LOL but the plan is bikini top AND bottom. DH is rooting for the full on bikini- so at least he has confidence in me - hehe...My main issue is when tubing we're sitting. We have a river limo type tube, so you know the squished thigh syndrome- yep I get it. So maybe Ill bring a sarong to lay across my lap- to block the sun- ya that's it....

Anyhow we bring snacks, drinks, and lunch to eat on our river limo whilst tubing but I will come prepared with my Nutrisystem lunch bars and snacks and plenty of water (its like 113 this weekend) so I should be good to go! I will post pics (if we get any) next week. Heres the river limo tube we have  - its SO fun!

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I received a sample of this product to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest review. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.