
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Wild Planet: Sustainably Caught Wild Seafood

The Belles are super super pleased to introduce to you a planet friendly, health friendly, fantastic seafood company: Wild Planet! Their seafood is sustainably caught wild seafood- making it an excellent choice for you, your family, and the planet! Thank you Wild Planet for providing us with healthy sustainable choices in our seafood.
Whether you are a fan of tuna fish, salmon, or sardines- Wild Planet has you covered! They carry a full line of delicious, super healthy, conveniently packaged seafood that, as we mentioned, is caught in the wild & is sustainable. Both very important to our health, the health of our families and the planet! Seafood is one of natures super foods but isnt always convenient to enjoy or prepare. Thankfully Wild Planet offers tinned & canned varieties of some of our absolute favorites, making healthy eating even more convenient for us!

I was very excited to see that Wild Planet offers Wild Albacore Tuna Fillets- I had never had the pleasure of enjoying them until now and let me tell you -they are amazingly delicious! I highly recommend them and am so happy that Wild Planet offers them!

DH & I are huge fans of sardines so we were very excited to see that Wild Planet also carries a selection of sustainable wild caught sardines in a variety of flavors.  We love them on pizza, salads, in pasta dishes, or straight from the tin! YUM YUM! And we all know how healthy sardines are for us! Wild Planet sardines are full of heart healthy omega 3s, are super delicious, and come in Extra Virgin Olive Oil with or without Lemon, Spring Water, and Marinara varieties- all yummy, all healthy!
One thing I was most impressed with is the big chunks of fresh tasting tuna in Wild Planet Albacore Tuna, which contains six times omega 3′s and is lower in sodium than other canned tuna products!
For More Information, Visit:
Wild Planet on the web
The Wild Planet Online Store
Wild Planet on Facebook
Wild Planet on Twitter
We received samples of these products to review. We were in no other way compensated for our honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are oury own. We are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the wonderful review :) Happy you enjoyed Wild Planet products so much!
