This fully chaptered dvd contains three complete 30ish minute cardio workouts, premixes and bonus material. You will need a step for two routine. Cathe works out with 4 background exercisers in a gym set.
30/30: (28 min) This workout features 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest. After a warmup exercises include ice breakers, cardio lunges, step squat turns, up & over step, wide run, soccer drill, plyo jacks, hitch kicks, air jacks, tuck jumps, side kick & punch down, burpees, and floor tap shuffles.
Double Wave Pyramid: This workout features a 20-40-20 second format. After a warmup exercises include quarter turns, squat jumps, air jacks, tuck jumps, power scissors, jumps forward & back, Mt. climbers, one minute rest and then repeat back down the pyramid.
40/20: This workout features 40 seconds of work followed by 20 seconds of rest and includes a few one minute breaks. After a warmup, exercises include: split jumps, plyo lunges off the step, long jumps, jump on step, burpee pushups, low cardio lunges off the step, straddle jacks, uneven squats off the tall step, run man off high step, plank butt kicks over step down to plank & up to jab s, ski over platform, and jumps to the high step.
These are advanced routines. As always Cathe provides an excellent heart pumping workout with superb cuing and form pointers. Love the variety on the dvd and have gotten a ton of use out of these routines. I did not receive this dvd to review.
I purchased this DVD from Collage Video about a year ago and am finally getting around to posting my review. Just posting my review so others can enjoy :) All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. Do not copy, in whole, or in part any portion of any postings on my blog. Do not repost my content on any other site without my explicit consent. All of my postings belong solely to
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