
Thursday, July 24, 2014

FitPrime: The Original Fast Cheetah with Tracie Long Review

The Original Fast Cheetah
Tracie Long, 2004

Tracie leads this mostly cardio workout alone in a small mansion-esque set. You will need light dumbbells, a med ball, ankle weights, and a tall box for this workout. This 55 min DVD is fully chaptered. The DVD combines balance, fun ball work, floor & step cardio, light 4-limb work with a touch of stretching & yoga to create a super unique workout.

After a warmup & yoga inspired stretch, exercises include a fun ball toss routine, hops, pump & jump, 1 leg balance delts, dip & curl, knee pull jump turns, split jumps, frog jumps with your hands on the box, tall box climb, glute raises with your hands on the box, squat holds, step kick & punch, football shuffle, a tall box step routine, squat & bi curls, mambo-kick-ball change, balance ball hold , basketball shoot, lying leg shoots, bridge series using the med ball, pushups, swimmers, plank pikes, floor core and a final stretch.

I rate this an intermediate routine, the more you focus, the more you will feel the work. As with all of the FitPrime workouts this is a very unique blend of exercises that flow together wonderfully. Tracie is as always, an impeccable lead with superb instruction. This is really a must-have in any workout library. Love this one. I did not receive this dvd to review.

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I did not receive a sample of this to review. I  bought it many years ago and am just getting around to reviewing it. I have received samples from Fitness Favorites in the past to review I not compensated for my honest review for this workout. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own.Please see my disclosures page for details. Do not copy, in whole, or in part any portion of any postings on my blog. Do not repost my content on any other site without my explicit consent. All of my postings belong solely to

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