
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Jessica Smith's 10 Minute Solution Ultimate Bootcamp Review

10 Minute Solutions Ultimate Bootcamp Review:
Jessica Smith, 2010 ***** (5 of 5 stars)

This is a bootcamp-esque dvd by 10 Minute Solutions, led by Jessica Smith, who works out alone in a nice wide open set. This dvd includes cardio and strength moves. There are five 10 minute segments that you can use individually or mix and match to create a 10-50+ minute workout. You will need a few sets of dumbbells for some of the segments.

I did all 5 segments this morning and got a great cardio and a great stength workout! The segments go by FAST and each segment got/kept my heartrate up. Jessica does an awesome job leading and all the moves have a fresh & unique feel to them without being complicated or confusing. I felt my muscles being worked in a different way than traditional strength training moves. She adds in agility moves and balance work as well. There is a definate functional feel but you are able to heavy up-the best of both worlds.

FAT FIGHTING SKILLS & DRILLS: is a fun and unique cardio workout that really got my heartrate up and got me sweating from the get go-jumping jacks, squat thrust variations, "mud crawling." The moves are all athletic and straightforward with a definate bootcamp feel to them. Loved this section-no wasted time. 10 minutes WELL spent.

ULTIMATE UPPER BODY TRAINING: Includes some cardio and explosive moves to keep your heartrate up. I used a few dif sets of dumbbells. The moves were unique and had a functional feel to them, wood chopping, sand bag carrying, pushup and walking plank variations, Mt. climbers, etc. My UB will feel this tomorrow. My core was working in many of the moves-nice bonus.

ULTIMATE LOWER BODY TRAINING: This segment is unweighted but there are enough reps and she goes low into them so I didnt even use dumbbells though you could if you felt the need. There are some jumping squats and plyo lunges that will get your heartrate up and my legs were burning by the end of the 10 minutes. She also incorporates some balance work and bun squeezes. This segment is all done standing.

ULTIMATE TOTAL BODY TRAINING: This segment is full body strength work using a heavy pair of dumbbells. My heartrate was up the entire time and there are some straight cardio & agility moves as well. Again, there were some unique moves in here. A squat with a bicep curl into an overhead press, an explosive front raise into an overhead tricept extension, & pushups.

SIX PACK AB ATTACK: starts with some standing ab work and then goes down to the floor for crawling planks, plank twists, side planks, crunch variations, and sit up variations. My abs were fried by the end of this. Unique and fun and kept in the boocamp spirit.

I would rate this a high intermediate AWT (aerobic weight training) workout. I love workouts that provide enough strength work to count as a strength day but burn enough calories to count as a cardio day-this dvd did just that! This dvd is an excellent addition to my (large) workout collection. I love bootcamp workouts and have many of them but this one really is unique! I see myself reaching for this often as a whole or in pieces. There is really no wasted time here! I received this dvd to review


  1. This looks great! The part of your review that really jumped out for me was that there is "no wasted time." As a full-time student with a part-time job and an internship, I'm on a pretty tight schedule most of the time and this would definitely help me to take better care of myself and spend more time exercising. Thanks for the chance!

  2. I also checked out the links to 1) Jessica Smith's facebook page, 2) her online store, and 3) her "Living in Thin" site! :)

  3. I love AWT workouts nad Jessica is a great lead. I'm always looking for quick add-on workouts and this sounds perfect.



  4. I also blogged about the giveaway here! :)

  5. I checked out 1) Jessica Smith's facebook page, 2) her online store, and 3) her "living in thin" site. Great resources!

  6. great giveaway! I'd love the DVD as I'm always looking for quick segments as add ons or as heart pumping cardio warm ups for my CLX rotations. And I checked out the 3 links which are her FAcebook page, her store and living thin page. great blog!

  7. I like the new look! I'll blog about the giveaway later, my internet is being weird today. Looks like a good workout!

  8. I like that it really seems to be comprehensive with all of the different options, yet easy to fit in for someone busy like myself.

  9. Great giveaway!! I'm a sucker for boot camp style stuff and I love the 10-min series because they are so versitile.

  10. LOVE Jessica! If I don't win, I am still going to pick up Ultimate Bootcamp!

  11. Love what u are doing for yourself and now for others if 10 minute workout it is, then it would be great for me who still needs to lose 25 more lbs. And we all know I don't have no time. Who ever wins this will love it. Thanks for the fun blog.

  12. I so need some help to be motivated to get rid of some of the weight I have put on since hitting my 40's.

  13. I just blogged about your giveaway. You already know the url of my blog :)

  14. Wow, this looks great! I love 10 Minute Solutions. Sometime I will do these as a warm-up to strength training and other times I just string a bunch together and get a great workout. I'm glad to see Jessica Smith again!

    I checked out the websites,The first was her facebook page, second was Jessica Smith's own website and the third was her Living in Thin website!


  15. Thanks for reviewing this, it looks really good. I love workouts that tackle strength and cardio in one shot. I also really like the sound of the unweighted lower body work.

  16. Thanks for launching this giveaway and for reviewing this DVD, Lindsey! It's been on my "interested" list since I heard about it over on the videofitness forums. I enjoy Jessica's teaching style - she has a warm personality and structures effective workouts. I'm looking forward to trying this workout because it looks like it packs alot of work into a relatively short amount of time. Given today's busy schedules, I'm all for total body workouts that have a high sweat factor and are fun! I definitely know that Jessica can deliver. I also saw the clip of this workout on, and it looks great!

    I also checked out the 3 websites - Jessica's facebook page, her personal website, and the Living in Thin website. :-)

  17. I like hearing that it got your heart rate up from the get go, that it's strength AND cardio...I like getting more "bang for my buck" in the time I spend working out. This workout has peaked my interest - great review Lindsey! :)

  18. Ooh... look what happened while I was away at a conference! Put my name down please - I wanna crawl through the mud with Jessica!

  19. I could commit myself to 10 minutes! Motivation is a problem for me but 10 minutes would be hard to talk myself out of HaHa!

  20. I checked the websites too, but I wasn't sure if we were supposed to actually say them here, since no one had, but...

    The first was her Facebook page (which I really only know since you said so - it wouldn't let me see), the second is Jessica Smith's website (Now I'm interested in Knockout Body too), and the third is "Living in Thin" (Cute name!)

  21. And for my second chance, the three websites are: Facebook; Jessica Smith- Fitness Lifestyle Expert; and Living in Thin (looks like an interesting site).

  22. Hi, I have Knockout Body & really like it, so I really think I'll like her new one. I watched the collage clip for UB, & the moves look the army-crawl. I have a 2 yr. old & short workouts are all I can do sometimes! Thanks & nice blog!

  23. Here's my second chance post: the websites are Facebook, a Fitness Lifestyle Expert site (looks like Jessica's own websit), and a website called LIving in Thin. Thanks again!

  24. Yay! A Give away! I blogged about it in my Videofitness Journal blog

    I would love the 10 Minute Ulitmate Bootcamp led by Jessica Smith because I want to work my muscles in a different way than traditional strength training like I do with Cathe and Joyce Vedral. I really loved Jessica's 10 Minute Solution Knock out Body sooo much and also her 10 Minute Solution Quick Tummy Toners. Its motivating to know that you can get in 10 minutes here whether is in the morning or evening. Also the unique cardio in the Fat Fighting Skill's and Drills that you described sounds challenging. If Jessica can get me to mud crawl...let me at it! I also love Mt Climbers and do them on my TransFIRMer.

    I checked out the 3 links. Jessica on Facebook(I asked to be a friend!), Jessica's web site which has her bio, class schedule and products and how to contact her. And her Living in thin web site where is a health and wellness coach. I loved her tips!

    Thanks Lindsey for making working out fun again!

  25. I could really use this! I had a baby a few months ago and my body has really gone down hill in a hurry. I think this will help me feel motivated to change that!

  26. ok it looks like the websites are: Facebook, a Fitness Lifestyle Expert site (Jessica's?), and a website called Living in Thin.

  27. Your three links are: Jessica's FB page,, and Living in thin. Loving Living in Thin, who can't smile with a name like that?

  28. Love that one can select their sections and the amount of time they want to workout!

  29. Sounds like a great workout! I love 10 minute solution workouts. I like the option of programming them so you can have them fit your time schedule.

  30. This looks like a great workout to try and I love the option of having a shorter workout. I'm trying to do more interval workouts during the week and this one sounds like it will fit the bill perfectly! Thanks for sharing.

  31. I love the variety offered in this DVD and how it compliments the Firm videos with strength, core and cardio. The three web sites are: 1.Jessica's facebook page 2. Her personal website and 3. The Living in Thin website
    This is a great blog - feel free to check mine out too!

  32. Came by via Women Who do it all blog- I really need to get on an exercise program and want to sign up as a follower but don't see a button?

  33. I love Jessica's workouts and AWT workouts, this one sounds like a winner, can't wait to try it!

  34. Jessica has become one of my favorite instructors..and I am using her BBT DVD all the time. I am loving this new 10 min format and if its anywhere close to bootcamp im in. I was wiaitng for her to come out with a new DVD.

  35. Second chance - the three websites listed above are: Facebook; Jessica Smith- Fitness Lifestyle Expert; and Living in Thin.
