
Monday, April 5, 2010

DVD GIVEAWAY: Cindy Whitmarsh: Incredible Abs

Review: Cindy Whitmarsh: Incredible Abs ***** (5 of 5 stars)

This dvd has three separate 20 minute active ab workouts that you can do individually or "play all" for a 60 minute ab challenge! The set is nice and open, hardwood floors and bright walls. Cindy works out alone and gives great form pointers and reminders throughout. You will need light dumbbells for some of the work.

I seriously can’t get over how unique and effective the ab work is in this. She does new fun moves, creating thoroughly effective core workouts. Each 20 minute w/o is the perfect intensity for me. By the end- my abs are screaming! But I can get to the end and finish strong. She hits the ENTIRE core here-upper, lower, mid abs, lower back, & obliques- nothing is missed. And my heartrate was up-BONUS! I would rate this as a solid intermediate ab workout.

The first workout has my new favorite ab move: runner abs- you’re on your knees and you move your upper body/arms like your running-your abs will feel this! Very functional and effective. She also does V sits, plank knee pulls, arm walks (ouch!), side bends & reaches on your knees, some unique crunch variations, rocker abs (hits the obliques), corkscrew crunches, and more. A great way to spend 20 minutes on your abs and like I said, my heartrate was up!

The second workout is what I would classify as core cardio. Which I LOVE, I have 2 others core cardio w/o's and I use them constantly! She does a few ab/ core moves and then a nice cardio burst. Some of the moves include jump rope w/ knee pulls, a side lunge/ leg lift swing move, standing crunches, rocker abs (oblique bends), bob and weave, burpee/ blowout into updog, side plank w/ a twist, plank jacks w/ a knee tuck (tough!).

In the final workout Cindy does a 10 minute routine -first the right side, then the left side. Then she finishes up with 10 more minutes of ab work. This workout is all standing or in plank position. Some of the moves include a dip w/ an upper body twist, a dip with a dumbbell chop, a 1/2 moon (pull knee up to side and arm down to knee while standing), plank w/ clock toe taps, a dumbbell pulldown, and lower body pull, etc. This workout flew by! Lots of good active, purposeful ab/ core work.

While I truly enjoyed all 3 segments, this dvd is worth the purchase for w/o #2 alone. Core cardio workouts are excellent add-ons OR as stand alone workouts when you are time crunched. I add on ab/core work every day so these workouts are a welcome addition to my collection. No boring crunches! All fun effective and ACTIVE! Highly recommended!!!!


  1. I love that your heart rate was up while doing abs, it's like getting two workouts in one!! I would love to have this!!
    maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

  2. This looks like a FAB giveaway! I would love to own this DVD! The links are very helpful if I wanted to learn about Cindy or order her dvd's directly, order from Exercise TV, or be her FB buddy!
    Thanks for the opp! Have a great Monday!

  3. Ooh - I would love this DVD! I like the sound of ab work that's fun and fresh, and I loves me some core cardio!

  4. And for my second chance at the draw, the three links are: Cindy's home page; a link to the "Incredible Abs" DVD on the ExerciseTV site; and Cindy's Facebook page.

  5. Three things I like about this DVD-
    1. The fact that it's just Cindy and no background people, sometimes it's just good to have a one on one session.
    2. The set, nice and simple, no distractions...
    3. ExerciseTV, had no idea that you could download exercise videos...

  6. I think Cindy's a GREAT instructor. I agree that with no "backup talent" it truly feels like a 1:1 personal training session wiht her. She is so upbeat and positive with the "come on's" while she's really making you work for it.
    This sounds like another WINNER! I HOPE I WIN THIS ONE!!!! :)

  7. I would enjoy unique moves that work the abs. No more boring crunches please.

  8. With summer almost upon us, I really need a good ab workout! This one sounds fantastic- it's great that it works the entire core!

  9. I checked out the links, too: 1) Cindy Whitmarsh Fitness, 2) Incredible Abs through Exercise TV, and 3) Cindy Whitmarsh's facebook fan club! :)

  10. I blogged about your excellent giveaway here! :)

  11. I would so much enjoy the ab workout video, that is my main problem area!

  12. I'm always looking for new, fun ab workouts, and Cindy is an awesome instructor! Love her in the other workouts of hers that i have. =)

  13. I'm definitely in need of some core work after a lethargic winter. Love short add-on workouts, too. Thanks for the review!

  14. I like that there are three shorter workouts for abs. It allows you to tailor the time and type of exercise to your mood or available time. The core cardio sounds like a lot of fun.

  15. The three links are: Cindy Whitmarsh Fitness web site, Incredible Abs sold through Exercise TV, and Cindy Whitmarsh on Facebook

  16. I love that it gets the upper, lower, mid abs, lower back, & obliques. I always miss some.

  17. I would love to win this DVD! Cindy is great! I try to work my abs every day so this would be an excellent workout to have in my collection.

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  20. I can never get enough ab workouts!!!

  21. OMG..This is the DVD that I have been wanting all along. Cindy is my favoire instructor right now and I love love love her...I havent ordered this yet becaause of all the stories about exercise tv shipping. But I will be gettin it even if I dont win the giveaway..I love Incredible Abs 1 and 2..Cant wait to try 3 and 4.

  22. I like that I could do it at home....

  23. 1) Cindy Whitmarsh Fitness
    2) Incredible Abs through Exercise TV
    3) Cindy Whitmarsh's Facebook Fanc Club

  24. tweet

  25. I love that they are only 20 minutes long!!!

  26. 20 minute workouts work best for me.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  27. Core work is a definite need after having kids! My "had 4 babies" belly really responds to specific core-focused work :)

  28. Follow the links to:
    1) Cindy Whitmarsh Fitness
    2) Incredible Abs through Exercise TV
    3) Cindy Whitmarsh's Facebook Fan Club

  29. 20 min workouts are the best!!!!! Especially, for Abs! If I don't win this one, I will definietly be purchasing this one!

  30. For my second chance here are the 3 websites:

    Cindy Whitmarsh Fitness (her own site)
    Incredible Abs on Exercise TV
    Cindy Whitmarsh on Facebook (I am already a fan)

    I want this DVD so bad!

  31. I really like the standing portions of these workouts on Exercise TV so having them chaptered on a dvd would be fantastic!

  32. I love Cindy and could really use some different ab workouts that don't involve endless crunches. After 6 kids, it is still my problem area and cardio with core would be awesome.

  33. I'm always looking for a great ab workout! I love how it incorporates cardio as well for a great workout!

  34. the 3 websites are:
    Cindy Whitmarsh Fitness (her site)
    Incredible abs on exercise tv
    Cindy Whitmarsh's facebook page

  35. I have been searching for a good ab workout. Have tried many. I like how this one sounds like it isn't just "do a crunch, now do a crunch like this..."

  36. This sounds like a unique and challenging workout.

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