
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

DVD Giveaway- Courtesy of Jeanette Jenkins Bikini Boot Camp!

This giveaway is now over! I will announce the winner in a seperate post shortly. Thank you to everyone who entered and keep coming back for new giveaways each week :)

Review: Bikini Boot Camp
Jeanette Jenkins, 2009 ***** (5 of 5 stars)

This is a 75 minute workout that is split up into 2 main workouts: Cardio camp is 28 minutes of cardio and chisel camp is 25 minutes of strength work. There is also a 5 minute w/u, a 9 minute ab camp w/o, and a 7 minute stretch. You can "play all" or you can select which workout you want to do. The set is nice and open hardwood floors with some beach paraphernalia in the background. There are 2 background exercisers. You will need various dumbbells for the ab & chisel camp w/o's. The music is high energy instrumental-which I liked.

I like the warmup -it gets right to the point and is very dynamic. I *think* the music is "Wipeout" LOL. The w/u reminds me of Jillian Michael's newer dvd w/u's with big arm motions along w/ LB movements. After a few minutes she moves into a quick stretch.

Cardio Camp is high energy and nonstop! I love love loved it! The cardio is athletic and easy to follow but really got my heart rate up and I was sweating like crazy! She does 5 cardio sets and the moves include: 1) jacks, high knees, skaters, knee hops, power jacks.2) kick combos, kick with a floor touch, sped bag, repeater knees. 3) squat thrusts, shuffle & floor touch, knee up-kick combo, pendulums. 4) jab w/ fast feet, oblique crunch w/ a kick, hook-upper cut combo w/ a plyo. 5) jump rope, volleyball moves including a dig, spike, and block. LOVED the cardio section.

Chisel Camp is nonstop multi-muscle strength work. She starts with pushup into sideplank, and some tough plank variations and moves into lunges with bicep curl variations, and chair pose into a short dip. Then you do some full form squats (all the way down into an overhead press), and pliet w/ tricep press. Then you begin a sidelunge with a 1/2 moon type shoulder raise, triceps kick back w/ a back kick. The last move is a static squat w/ a back fly. I was sweating and my heart was pumping throughout this section too!

I didnt get to the ab section but I previewed most of it during my stretch and she does some weighted crunch variations, bicycles, and other lying ab work. I will do it tomorrow and report back :) I also didnt do the stretch section.

I would rate this a low advanced w/o. I loved it! I like Jeanettes style and demeanor and didn't have any problems following her cueing at all. This is a tough but still fun w/o that will find a place in everyones dvd collection. It can easily be put together for a long w/o or divided up into several shorter w/o's. Jeanette reminds me of Nadia from Barrys Bootcamp Academy series (leg day)-her voice and some of the things she says. And as a sidenote-the background exercisers are Teri Ann (Ex TV, Crunch, b/g in Firms) and Kat (the beginner mod in BBC Fat Blaster & a b/g in PowerFit Harmony).

This weeks giveaway is courtesy of Mary, the owner of Totalfitnessdvds.comJeanette Jenkins Bikini Boot Camp-which Ive been eyeing for some time now. I will DEFINITELY be buying this one and SOON! (hey I just sold 3 rarely used dvds from my collection-I deserve a new dvd, right!)

Anyone that has ordered from Mary before knows she has awesome prices, super fast shipping, and excellent customer service. If you haven't checked out Mary's website: do so now! You will be GLAD you found this gem of a dvd source!

Totalfitnessdvds has nice long clips and reviews of w/o's. Use the code 10off to get 10% off a $20+ purchase, free shipping on ALL US orders over $19.00, weekly sales and posts twitter & facebook specials! Mary was generous enough to donate a BUNCH of dvds for giveaways, so keep reading :)

To Enter this GiveawayMandatory Entry: Check out and tell me something you learned. And leave your email address if you would like to be notified if you win :) Otherwise, just check back to see if you are a winner! I just want to ensure that more winners arent missing out on prizes.

Post a SEPARATE comment for each entry.

Optional Entries (after completing the mandatory entry above):
  • Follow my blog. Already a follower? Just leave a comment saying so
  • Follow Total Fitness DVDs on Twitter & leave your twitter ID here (already follow her, tell me!)
  • Follow me on twitter & leave your twitter ID here (already follow me, tell me!)
  • Leave me a comment telling what you like about the workout
  • Facebook like Total Fitness DVDs page (already do? Tell me so)
  • 5 Entries: Re-blog about this giveaway and leave a link (leave 5 comments)
  • Facebook this giveaway and a leave a link
  • Tweet about this giveaway and leave a link (up to 1X per day, be sure to leave a comment for each tweet)
  • 10 Entries: Purchase something from Totalfitnessdvds THIS WEEK and tell me what you bought (I will verify the purchase). Leave 10 comments below for this entry.
This contest will end Sunday 5/23 at midnight. And the winner will be announced Monday 5/24 morning-so CHECK BACK to see if you are the winner! And I might have some more bonus entries before the week is over :)


  1. I visited Total Fitness DVDs. What I learned: Today's Special is The Firm - Fast And Firm Series Express Cardio DVD. If I didn't already have it, I would get it for $2.99, it's a steal!!

  2. I re-blogged your giveaway here:


  3. I'm loving some of Mary's special offers on her website, especially the good deals on the Biggest Winner dvds. Mary's customer service is fabulous and service is super fast. I ordered Stephanie Vitorino's new dvd from her last week and it arrived yesterday to Ireland!
    Thanks for putting up the review of Jeanette Jenkins dvd, I don't know too much about her but her workout looks like it would be a good challenge.

  4. I have been interested in this workout for awhile because of the reviews it has gotten on

  5. I learned that you can earn store credit with every purchase!!
    maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

  6. I follow total fitness dvd's on twitter @getinonthewins
    maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

  7. I'm following you on twitter @getinonthewins
    maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

  8. I tweeted about this!!
    maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

  9. I visited and learned that Mary offers free shipping on US orders over $19 :).

    Jeanette's new workout sounds great. I have her Hollywood Trainer workouts and I like them a lot. This sounds like it is a more efficient version.

    My email is kesallee (at) hotmail (dot) com.

  10. I learned that there's a lot of great kid fitness videos on the Total Fitness website.

    Can you just contact me via YYF, or must I post my email?

  11. Already a follower. I love Jeannette's workouts. How did I miss this one?

  12. I learned that today's special is On The Ball Abs for $2.99!!


  13. Hi Lindsey,
    what I learned at total fitness is that she has Jillian Michaels DVDs on sale this week.

  14. Hi Lindsey, I am a follower of your blog. I love your giveaways. This one looks like a great one.

  15. Hi what I learned about the workout is 75 minutes long. It's split into two workouts. Cardio camp is athletic style cardio. Chiseled camp is a multi muscle workout. The workout includes ab and a stretch. You can do the entire workout or break it up.

  16. The special of the day at Mary's is Leisa Hart's Get on the ball DVD.

  17. I'd love to win this DVD. Mary has free shipping for orders over $19 in US (used to be $20, I remember)

  18. Forgot to mention, I'm now a follower to you blog with my gmail. I'm not comfortable sharing it here in plain sight - not because of you of course.

  19. Hi Lindsey! I don't want to enter in the giveaway (I have way too many workouts yet to try, lol) but wanted to say that I really enjoy your blog. :) Your enthusiam comes through loud and clear in your posts, as well as your passion for exercise. Keep up the nice work!

  20. I learned that the current weekly special on TotalFitnessdvds are Jillian dvds.

  21. Already a follower of your blog :)

  22. Already *liked* Total Fitness Dvds


    Posted your giveaway on facebook :)

  24. blogged

  25. blogged

  26. blogged

  27. blogged

  28. blogged

  29. Hi, Lindsey - Great giveaway!!! What I learned on Mary's site is that Jeanette's workout is awesome! I just watched a clip. fitkitty1 (at) gmail (dot) com

  30. i learned that they have awesome prices!!!!!

  31. i'm a new follower on your blog

  32. following you on twitter... @totallindsanity

  33. following them on twitter.... @totallindsanity

  34. liked total fitness dvds on facebook

    lindsey d.
