
Friday, May 14, 2010

The FIRM Power Ball Kit: Slim & Trim DVD Review

Tina Smalley, 2008

This is a 40 minute functional fitness workout led by Tina with 4 background exercisers, Emily provides the beginner modifications. The set is the darker marble-esque floor w/ a grayish blue background. You will only need the ball for this workout. The dvd comes with a 4 lb pink med ball. The dvd also has a 20 minute express w/o on it.

I like this workout used as a functional fitness type workout. I was still a bit sore from my last strength w/o so I did it this today and it was a perfect fit. There is some lower body body-weight work (+ the 4 lb ball) and some UB "work" w/ the ball (4 lbs is just not heavy enough to really do much IMO). You will do a lot of multi muscle moves that will get your heart rate up -lunges and dips while chopping the ball and raising it overhead, full form squats, squats w/ an upright row, side lunges with a bicep curl, a bowling type squat, fencing lunges, etc.

The w/o really has a functional feel IMO-like i said a lot of multi muscle moves with light weight. A lot of core focused moves: twisting, chopping, etc. There are also some touching the floor moves, pushups w/ one hand on the ball, "gorilla walks" while in plank, and other "functional" type moves.

The cardio is good in this one. More challenging and heart pumping than a lot of the "pink" Firms. Some toe taps on the ball, plyos, jumping squats, side steps, and a lot of the lower body work also gets the heart rate up.

I would rate this a solid intermediate workout with the option to up or down the intensity pretty easily. I wouldnt consider it a strength w/o though. I like Tina as a lead-her cueing is lacking a bit but its all pretty straight forward and athletic so not too hard to follow. She does "whoo" a lot in this and there is a few bad camera angles and you can hear their shoes clicking, but I still like the w/o and should use it more.


  1. The slim without the gym is a tough workout if I complete the full workout. What workout do you think is the best for all over body toning with no cardio in it?

  2. The Opus One Joint Support Supreme is obviously my chosen supplement to try. I love weighted ball workouts and have made all sorts of XCO-like cylinders to use instead of a weighted ball or the Kettlenetics kettlebell I sometimes used as a weighted ball substitute. I'll get to it all eventually in the next few months or years.

  3. I'll go with the Heaven & Earth Super C Complex 1000 because I take something similar and I think it helps me keep the colds going around at bay. :-)

    Love your reviews Lindsey!

  4. Susan, I do mostly strength work mixed with cardio but I like: The Firm Body Sculpt, and The Firm Hi Def Sculpt.

    I also like: Exercise TV: Ultimate Body Total Body Toning, Denise Austin Hit the Spot 10 five-minute Target Toners.

    Email me anytime for more info or questions lindseylu8 at netzero dot net :)

  5. I really like your post and I do suggest that alcohol should be avoided in order to doing body building..

  6. I would like try to the Miracle Greens and Miracle Reds. My email is
