
Monday, June 28, 2010

And the winner of Amy Dixon's Give Me 10! from Total Fitness DVD is....Barb!!!

Hey it pays to enter (and keep entering). This is Barb's SECOND win too! Wow, two weeks in a row my winners are on their 2nd win! Barb's winning comment was "reblogged" Barb, please leave a comment here and email me lindseylu8 at netzero dot net so I can mail out your dvd!

I had exactly 100 entries this week! As always, I used random number generator to pick the winner.

Thank you to everyone who entered and to Mary from Total Fitness DVDs for generously donating this and other fitness dvds! Keep checking back for more awesome giveaways from Total Fitness DVDs (and others).

For more information about Total Fitness DVDs or to buy this or MANY other w/o dvds, check out these links or simply click on the Total Fitness DVDs button on my sidebar:

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! If it weren't for your blog, I never would have started a blog and reblogged LOL

    Will email you my mailing address.
    I thought lightening would never strike twice for me.
