
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sylwia Wiesenberg Tonique Mat Workout

Tonique Mat Workout
Sylwia Wiesenberg, 2010

This is a 67 minute all mat toning workout. The focus is on lower body and abs. She does one set that includes pushups but thats the only UB work. Sylwia leads alone on a small set. The production quality is not the best but its not that bad, and I never really notice that kind of stuff anyways. You wont need anything but possibly a mat for this workout.

The dvd is divided up into 4 segments: Warmup, On the side, On the back, on all fours. You can "play all" or select your segments- I dont *think* there is a mix and match option. The name of each move comes across the bottom of the screen at the beginning of each exercise.

This is a TOUGH workout! It is HIGH HIGH HIGH rep no weight floor work. I felt like my legs were going to fall off. But after being almost repped to death- I am not hardly sore today, so thats a bit dissapointing. I am more of a "heavy squat" kind of gal then a "spend 60 min, almost die, and not be sore" type of exerciser. She does virtually every type of LB floor work you can imagine and then some!

The ab work was pretty uninspiring for me. By the end of it I was ddefinitely feeling it but the first handful of ab exercisers are just crunch variations and didnt feel extraordinarily effective. Of course after spending 15 or so min on nonstop ab movement- I was happy to not be "hitting it hard" for the duration.

I liked Sylwia as a lead but she probably wouldnt be a fav of mine. I dont like that she sometimes will say 10 more, but then theres really 30 more? I dont like being lied to ;) I think her other w/o's are a better fit for me since Im not really a mat work type of girl so I am excited to try those. If you are a mat/ floor work/ barre fan I think you will LOVE this w/o. She has a fairly strong Polish accent, but I didnt have any problems understanding her.

I would rate this an advanced w/o- just the sheer number of reps and seemingly nonstop number of (mostly) LB moves and a good amount of ab work, and because of the length and the fact that she jumps right into the work and really wastes no time in this w/o.


  1. Thanks for the review of Tonique Lindsey, I think I'll give buying this workout a miss. Sometimes I think high rep is pointless and the soreness is due to the build up of lactic acid but high rep doesn't really tone the body or anything. Thanks for recommendations of Jessicas and Cindys workouts, liked Ultrafit earlier on.
    Glad the cake classes went well, you'll have to post a photo of one of your cakes. The last photo you posted of your cake, you can see your talent. The cake looked fabulous.

  2. Susan- I think you nailed it w/ the lactic acid thing- I had not thought of that. I agree-its like my legs were gonna fall off but then today-nothing! I would rather have spent 20 min on something that would have made me sore than 60 min on reps reps reps :)

    Thank you about the cake!!!!!! I will try & post a pic tomorrow! Wish I could make a living out of cakes & exercising LOL! They kindof balance each other out right ;)

  3. interesting review of Tonique Mat. I have it too but have yet to do it in its entirity. Don't think my attention span would allow for it! I just do 20-25 min segments at a time...but even then, not so much. May work it in more with a Turbo Fire rotation later on....

  4. Bonus entry: My favorite giveaway of yours to date was the one I won: Stephanie Huckabee's PowerFit! It was a fantastic prize. Thanks again!!! Other faves include Amy Bento's Abs and Stretch and Amy Dixon Give Me Ten.

  5. Bonus entry: Suggestion for future giveaways - any fitness DVD!
