
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Collage Video Giveaway: Tracey Mallett Quick Blast Total Body Fat Burner

This giveaway has ended but you can check out current Fitness For the Rest of us giveaways by clicking on the "giveaway" tab on my left sidebar.

This weeks giveaway is courtesy of Collage Video - Quick Blast Total Body Fat Burner led by Tracey Mallett. (Please note that this dvd is in a slimline dvd case with FULL (fitting) front and back cover art. This dvd is available for purchase on the Collage Video website in a regular dvd case. The dvd is the same version available for purchase.)

Now we all know that Collage Video rocks, afterall they are probably the most known fitness dvd website out there. But in case you arent familiar:

Collage Video is an AWESOME online store! Each workout has a video clip and user reviews. Each and every w/o is actually done by their staff so the info is always accurate! Collage Video's website also has discussion boards and don't forget to check out their success stories for some motivation! They are now offering weekly sales, and free shipping on orders over $25. I've always had extremely positive experiences ordering from Collage. Their staff is super friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful.

To Enter this Giveaway: Mandatory Entry: Check out Collage Video and tell me something you learned. And leave your email address if you would like to be notified if you win :) Otherwise, check back to see if you are a winner!

Post a SEPARATE comment for each entry.

Optional Entries (after completing the mandatory entry above):

~10 Entries: Purchase something from Collage Video THIS WEEK and tell me what you bought (I will verify the purchase). Leave 10 comments below for this entry.
~1 Entry: Follow my blog. Already a follower? Just leave a comment saying so
~2 Entries: Follow Win, Lose, or Blog (leave 2 comments)
~5 Entries: Re-blog about this giveaway and leave a link (leave 5 comments)
~1 Entry: Enter to win Denise Austins Personal Trainer DVD on Win, Lose or Blog here.

This contest will end Sunday 7/12 at midnight. And the winner will be announced Monday 7/13 morning-so CHECK BACK to see if you are the lucky winner! And I WILL have some bonus entries before the week is over :)  GOOD LUCK!

Today's Review: 6 Minute Quick Blast Method- Total Body Fat Burner
Tracey Mallett, 2008

This dvd is comprised of eight 6 minute workouts and a warmup & stretch segment. There are 3 lower body cardio segments, four upper body + abs segments, and one ab segment. Tracey leads the workouts in a nice open set with hardwood floors with 2-4 background exercisers-1 showing beginner modifications. You will need a stability ball and dumbbells for the upper body and ab segments. The dvd has the option to "play all" or "select a w/o" -no mix and match option.

First off let me say that you all probably know I LOVE dvds that can be used as addons. I also love splits that include cardio so this w/o is right up my ally! In each 6 minute segment she does a ciruit of 4 exercises 3 times. Tracey is not my fav, but I absolutely love the formatting on her w/o's.

The lower body segments include cardio and really accomplish a lot in only 6 minutes each. She doesnt use handweights but there are a ton of reps so I actually didnt use weights this time but would in the future. Even w/out weights I could feel my buns & thighs being worked with moves such as squats, plyo squats, lunges w/ a rear leg lift, a ballet type leg drag, pliets, etc.

The upper body segments are done on the ball - which was a nice change of pace and I could feel my muscles being worked differently than normal. And each w/o includes an ab move. If you do all 4 UB segments you can thoroughly work all your UB muscles IMO- overhead tricep press, pec fly, bench press, rear delt fly, lat row, pushups -all done on the ball! The ab work includes some fun moves on the ball-twists, crunches, planks, and variations of.

The ab section is done on the ball and felt really effective and she adds a unique twist to traditional ball ab work. Using the ball helped add a bit of intensity IMO.

I would rate this an intermediate workout that could easily be modified up or down to fit anyones needs. I like that Traceys background exercisers are ladies that used her dvds & books and lost weight! Its very motivating :) Tracie has a fairly high pitched voice and pretty thick accent just as an FYI.
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  1. Collage has 983 on-line fitness video previews - I always use this feature to check out w/o I'm interested in.

  2. I follow Win, Lose, or Blog - 2nd entry

  3. I entered to win Denise Austins Personal Trainer DVD on Win, Lose or Blog.

  4. I learned that Collage's home page is different. I also learned they have 57 success stories.

  5. I am a devoted follower of your blog!

  6. I'll say it again: I follow Win Lose or Blog!

  7. I have entered the contest for Denise's Personal Trainer on Win Lose or Blog. Was there any doubt I would enter... I love fitness dvds!

  8. Collage offers FREE shipping on orders of $25 or more!


  9. Follow Win, Lose or Blog!


  10. #1 Re-blogged here:


  11. #2 Re-blogged here:


  12. #3 Re-blogged here:


  13. #4 Re-blogged here:


  14. #5 Re-blogged here:


  15. I love that they have video clips. It really helps a beginner like me to choose a video I'll stick with.

  16. I follow your blog.

  17. I entered the giveaway on Win, Lose, or Blog.

  18. I follow Win, Lose, or Blog. #1

  19. I follow Win, Lose, or Blog. #2

  20. I learned that collage has clips of all their workout dvds rainy530atgmaildotcom

  21. I am a follower of your blog

  22. I am also a follower of win lose or blog

  23. entry no. 2 - I follow win lose or blog

  24. I learned collagevideo has sales on several items starting on Weds.

  25. already a follower of Fitness For the Rest of Us

  26. Reblogged the giveaway

  27. Reblogged the giveaway

  28. Reblogged the giveaway

  29. Reblogged the giveaway

  30. I follow Win, Lose or Blog!!!

  31. I would love to try the 30 day shed by Jillan M. dvd. The dvd has great reviews 2nd entry

  32. I learned that Collage has a new home page. It looks pretty cool.

  33. One of the top ten videos is Jillian yoga meltdown, now I want to try because of the great reviews
