
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The FIRM: Cardio Party Review

The FIRM: Cardio Party 
Allie Del Rio, Alison Davis, Emily Welsh, Rebekah Sturkie, Annie Lee, 2007

This is a 40 minute floor cardio workout. The instructors all rotate leading. The set is the hardwood floors, white walls with window set. No-one shows modifications and you will not need any equipment for this workout.

Alison starts w/ a warmup but its really just another cardio segment, so its nice that you jump right into the workout. Each instructor leads their own little 8 or so minute segment. None of the choreo is very challenging to catch onto but it can get your heart rate up there nicely. Most of the moves are things youve seen before in other Firm w/o's, athletic and pretty straight forward.

Annies segment was the least challenging and includes a lot of marching and some side lunges. Allies is a latin-esque segment that done as is, is also not that challenging. All the segments are pretty different from each other so you do get some good variety and the time goes by quite quickly IMO.

I did this on the rebounder wearing weighted gloves and got a GREAT w/o. Done as is (on the floor) I would say its a low intermediate w/o that a beginner would be fine doing. I like this w/o ok done on the floor but really really enjoyed it on my rebounder-it adapts very well to the UR.


  1. Hope you had a good weekend Lindsey, love the watch!!! Another great Firm review. Did Slimdown Fast again this morning. The two Michele Carmichael dvds arrived today (super fast shipping to Ireland, I only ordered them on Saturday). Will try one of them on Thursday ( in work on an overnight tonight so will be a bit tired tmrw).

  2. I like your idea of doing Cardio Party on the rebounder - I hadn't thought of that - now I must try it! LOVE the HK watch!!!!
