
Friday, September 10, 2010

Dance Off The Inches Cardio Hip Hop Review

Dance Off The Inches Cardio Hip Hop
Jen Galardi, 2010

This is a 44 min hip hop dance workout led by Jen with 2 background exercisers. The body of the w/o is 33 minutes long and the rest is w/u & c/d. You wont need any equipment and there is no modifications. The w/o is broken up into three dance segments that you can "play all" or there is a chapter menu. The dvd also includes a nice "learn the moves" tutorial that was very helpful. The set is really nice- light grays & pinks, kind of a "living room" type set. The music is fine, nothing noticable. The outfits are kind of hip hop inspired.

The routines are built up add-on style. You learn one move, practice it. Learn the next move, practice it add it on to the 1st and so on. The first two segments are all cardio dance and the third segment adds in some standing core work to the dancing and is a bit slower moving.

I thought Jens cueing was really good but me being the NON dancer (and trying to adapt it to the rebounder) had a hard time following along. Had I done it on the floor, I could have followed along much better but I dont think I would have burned very many calories. This is the perfect w/o for those that like to dance and are good at choreo (though I really dont think this choreo was that tricky-def not boring, but not too difficult IMO). I would rate this intermediate/ higher intermediate in terms of choreography and high beginner in terms of cardio difficulty.