
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Giveaway Announcements :)

Announcement 1: Ive noticed that I have some new folks entering my giveawys- thank you!!!! I just wanted to give you a heads up on entering- if the entry says "5 Entries" you have to leave 5 seperate comments to get all five of those entries. So for example, you would comment "I reblogged about this (link) #1" then in a seperate comment "I reblogged about this (link) #2" and so on. If you leave everything in 1 comment youve only received 1 entry. You may very well be leaving twenty seperate comments.

A winner is selected by entering the number of comments into random number generator. So that is why it is essential to leave seperate comments. I HATE to see anyone not getting all their entries!

Announcement 2: ALSO don't forget to leave your email address in your initial (mandatory) entry. If I dont have a way to contact you- I cant notify you if you win and I HATE seeing anyone miss their prize :(

Announcement 3:  Another question I received is "I dont have a blog, I reposted this on facebook. Does that count as 5 entries" To be fair to everyone, I am going to have to say no this time (SORRY!) BUT I will consider adding it to my next giveaway. I have had that as an option in the past, but did not include it on that particular giveaway. I did include in last few giveaways 3 seperate facebook related entries- so you can get entries by utilizing facebook.

Announcement 4: If you have any questions please leave a comment here with your email address & I will email you back. Or email me :)

Announcement 5: Maria H. won the Gin Miller Simply Circuit dvd from Advanced Workouts and has been emailed. I havent yet heard back from her. She had 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen. If you didnt receive  my email Maria H, please leave a comment here :)

Thanks for entering and following everyone! I hope you are all enjoying the reviews and giveaways. Good luck!!!

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