
Friday, November 19, 2010

REVIEW: Fit in Five Ultimate Body Blitz

Fit in Five Ultimate Body Blitz
Hemalayaa, Violet Zaki, Kristin McGee, Desi Bartlett, Petra Kolber, 2009

This dvd is comprised of five 20 minute workouts that are compiled from other dvds. There is a yoga, pilates, strength, cardio, and dance segment. You will need dumbbells for the strength segment but no other equipment is required. You can play all or select a workout, there is no mix & match option.

Cardio: Petra Kolber, Cardio For Beginners. This is a basic but fun cardio segment led by Petra in a living room type set w/ 2 b/gers. The athletic cardio routine is built add-on style and includes grape vine,, ham curls, power squats, punches, V steps, etc. Petras a great lead w/ good cueing. I rate this section high beginner but easy to modify up.

Yoga: Hemalayaa, ?. The set is really cool: screens & pillows & candles. This routine is more "spiritual" or mind/body than the yoga work Ive done in the past. She talks about digestion & does some breaths while sticking you tongue out & you will make some noises while working. I liked the instructor & enjoyed being introduced to this type of yoga.

Dance: Desi Bartlett, Dance & Be Fit: Latin Groove. This is an easy to follow Latin dance routine set in a nice outdoor gazebo w/ 2 b/gers. The moves consist of salsa variations, hip rolls, African walk, grapevine, and some of the moves work your core. The workout is actually super fun but the instructor giggles a lot and has a slightly annoying voice. Its also voice over. I rate this section high beginner.

Strength: Violet Zaki, Cardio Strength. Violet leads w/ 2 b'gers (1 shows modifications) in a really cute Asain-esque set. The workout is 50/50 cardio and strength. You do a strength segment then a cardio segment. The first 10 minutes is standing followed by 10 minutes of floor work. The strength work includes: military press w/ side leg left, some unweighted lower body work, and some floor work- donkey kicks, V sits w/ biceps, brideg w/ pec fly, plank-pushup- pike combo, etc. The cardio work includes: shuffle, Mt. climbers, knee repeaters, etc. I like Violet as a lead- good cueing. I rate this section intermediate.

Pilates: Kristin McGee, Weight Loss Pilates. The set alternates an indoor set (actually the same set used in Violets section) and a beautiful outdoor garden gazebo. I really liked the structure of this w/o- it alternated slightly ballet inspired pilates segmetns with cardio segments, so it was quite active. You start with marches w/ big arm movements, kicks, and some plyo hops, then you move to the floor for some ab work: C-curves, rope climb, frog legs, hundres, roll ups, toe touches, leg circles, V-sit variations, criss cross, etc. You repeat the earlier cardio section and finish on the floor with more ab & lower body work: tick tock, bridge series, heel beat w/ legs extended, single leg teaser, etc. I like this section but Kristin is not my favorite. I would say this is a high intermediate. Acacia sent me this dvd for my review.

1 comment:

  1. Please post your stamp club projects! Also looking forward to your new recipes. Enjoy your fun weekend!
