
Friday, December 17, 2010

Review: Exercise TV: Powerade Zero - Less is More Workout

Today's Review: Exercise TV: Powerade Zero - Less is More Workout
Cindy Whitmarsh, Lizbeth Garcia, Patrick Murphy, 2009

This dvd has a 30 min cardio w/o (Cindy Whitmarsh), 20 min pilates & 20 min yoga (Lizbeth Garcia), and 50 minutes of strength work divided into 10 minute sections by body part led by Patrick Murphy. The set is has a nice gym room feel to it. You wont need any props for any segments except the strength and for that you will need: dumbbells, stability ball, medicine ball, and a stretchy band.

Cardio: Cindy works out alone and starts with a nice kickboxing type warmup. The routine is built add on style and she does three 10ish minute routines- all athletic, fun & effective. The exercises include: burpee - pushup combo, quick feet, jumps, plyo squats w/ jabs, a spider move done on the floor, various punches & kicks, jogging, more burpees :) Mt. Climbers, skaters, ski jumps,  & ends w/ a quick stretch. As you can see some of the moves are challenging but all were fun & fresh- I like this section A LOT! Cindy is a great lead, solid to high intermediate.

Pilates: Lizbeth works out alone and leads us through a core & LB focused pilates routine. She usually shows a modified version & then moves into the more challenging move. Exercises include single & double leg stretch, lower back work, a donkey kick series, a pilates leg series, can can and other core work, &  plank series. I enjoyed this section & def felt it in my LB & core. Intermediate.

Yoga: Lizbeth works out alone-Most of the moves are in "series" & you do different variations of the moves in each series: sun salutation , warrior, balancing posture. You then do goddess star, criss cross, bridges, sideplanks, hi planks, etc. Low intermediate.

Strength: This section is divided up into Explosive Upper Body, Gold Medal Glutes & Legs, Camera Ready Core, A List Arms, and a 5 min w/u & c/d. Patrick leads all segments as a "personal trainer" with a lady performing the moves. I felt I got  a lot of bang for my buck here. He adds in a lot of balance work and cardio bursts to keep the intensity up. The lower body & core sections include some floor work and a lot of the lower body work is unweighted but you could easily grab weights. Solid to high intermediate. Lots of good unique stuff here.

This dvd has a ton of variety, great to do individual segments or combine for a 10-130 min workout. I know I will get a lot of use out it. Of course, there is a token Powerade Zero comment in each segment- but its bearable. I liked all the instructors- Cindy is a fav of mine, Patrick was great, Lizbeth was good but the yoga wasnt too exciting IMO. I did however really enjoy her pilates w/o. The cardio & strength segments were awesome! Im a huge fan of Exercise TV w/o's and this one did not disappoint! I received this dvd to review.


  1. Wow - love the cake! It must have been a quick exit for the cat lady to depart your workplace, especially on her birthday! Excited to hear about your Firm Express experiences next week. Have a great weekend!

  2. it was beyond quick! And not by her choice....yikes!

  3. The cake looks scrumptious! And the Powerade workout sounds perfect to burn off a few of those cake calories. Hope it's delish!

