
Monday, December 6, 2010

Chris Freytag 10 Pound Slimdown DVD Review

Today's Review: 10 Pound Slimdown
Chris Freytag, 2010

This dvd has five seperate 20 min w/o's on it; upper body, lower body, total body, yoga, and core. All except the yoga section include great cardio bursts. Chris works out alone on an awesome set- dark wood and pale blue fogged panes with fitness accessories around the perimeter. You will need dumbbells for this workout. There isnt a mix & match or play all feature.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE cardio splits as I call them- seperate upper/lower body workouts that include cardio and this dvd fits the bill perfectly. Im ALWAYS on the look out for more w/o's formatted like this so I was very happy to find this gem. The toning & cardio moves get progressively harder as she adds in balance challenges & more intensity as she goes. Each workout has 3 circuits and you repeat each circuit 2ce. Each circuit contains 2 strength sets and then one high intensity cardio burst followed by a recovery.

Upper Body: Some of the moves include pushups, tricep kickbacks on all 4's with a knee pull in, skaters, military press, jacks, bicep curls w/ a knee pull, french press while balancing, front raise w/ a squat, and jumproping.

Lower Body: Includes lots of lunges & lunge variations- flying lunges, stationary unweigthed lunges, runners lujnge, knee pull ins w/ hands on floor, hi knee pulls, curtsy lunge variations, and side squats into a power squat. My legs were fried by the end of this segment!

Total Body: Includes both upper & lower body strength work & cardio blast- the moves include: setting down & picking up your weights, squat w/ row, 1-legged deadlift, tire run, lunge-twist-balance combo, static lunge circling your weight around your leg, runners lunge w/ leg pull and bicep curl, kick w/ a floor touch, bridge- pec fly combo, a side plank-dumbbell raise, mini lunge w/ a back row, and a fast feet reaction drill.

Core: This section includes cardio work interspersed into the core work. Moves include: knee pulls, boat pose with leg extensions, lying toe touches, power side lunge twist, bicycle with bench press, full body leg extension w/ lat pull down, side plank, mt. climber, V sits w/ bow & arrow arms holding dumbbells, circle crunches, planks, leg lifts, and gorrilla walks w/a hop (tough).

Yoga: This is a 20 minute vinyassa type yoga segment (no cardio bursts) that moves fairly quickly (which I liked). You start w/ some breathing, cat-cow, forward bends, down dogs, up dogs, chataranga, chair pose, warrior, tree pose, low lunge, runners lunge, twisted chair, pigeon, and side planks.

I would rate this a solid to higher intermediate that is easy to modify up or down.Chris looks fantastic- even more toned than her previous dvds. This dvd is great to add onto other workouts, for days you are short on time, or to combine for a 40-120 minute workout. Chris' cueing is great, the moves are fun, unique, and effective.

For more information visit:
 Chris Freytag online
 follow Chris Freytag on Twitter
 Chris Freytag on Linked In
 and like Chris Freytag on Facebook

I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Please see my disclosures page for details. Do not copy, in whole, or in part any portion of any postings on my blog. Do not repost my content on any other site without my explicit consent. All of my postings belong solely to


  1. I LOVE Chris! I have wanted this one and the 2 Week Turn Around Strength and Cardio DVD's.

  2. I also appreciate your review. It's honest and detailed and down to earth. I feel like you gave me the most detailed idea of what is in store with this DVD. Thank you!

  3. I love Chris' blog posts on ExerciseTV really helped me stay motivated. Love her workouts--thanks for this review!

  4. I would like to try Two Week .

  5. I liked Walking Cardio ShapeUp Max on Exercise TV so would probably like the dvd.

  6. I love that the workout is mix and match!

  7. I follow you on twitter.

  8. I follow Win, Lose, or Blog.

  9. I learned Chris has a corporate fitness program.

  10. I follow your blog.

  11. I like that the Exercise TV meal plan has recipes and snack ideas!

  12. I entered the Fruit of the Loom Giveaway.

  13. I entered the Martial Fusion Giveaway too!

  14. I follow Chris on twitter.

  15. Two week turnaround cardio DVD!!!

  16. I obviously don't know how to do this! I am anonymous above, :-)

  17. I would like to try the Kick-Start Your Metabolism DVD.

  18. I follow Win, Lose or Blog with my google account.

  19. 2. I follow Win, Lose or Blog with my google account.

  20. 1. I entered the Fruit of the Loom Giveaway.

  21. 2. I entered the Fruit of the Loom Giveaway.

  22. I like that this workout has 5 separate 20 min workouts - this is a great value and you can do one or several depending on how much time you have that day!

  23. I learned Chris Freitag also sells some household appliances on her website (blenders, grill, popcorn popper).

  24. 1. The meal plan at ExerciseTV appeals to me because it's a system along with the workout that is laid out to lose 10 pounds.

  25. 2. The meal plan at ExerciseTV appeals to me because it's a system along with the workout that is laid out to lose 10 pounds.

  26. 3. The meal plan at ExerciseTV appeals to me because it's a system along with the workout that is laid out to lose 10 pounds.

  27. I'd like the 3-2-1 workout.

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  28. I learned that Spaghetti Squash with Turkey Red Sauce is the recipe of the week.

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  29. I'd really like to try Walking Cardio Shapeup Max.

  30. I follow Chris on Twitter.

  31. I Tweeted about your contest yesterday.

  32. I wrote something on her wall about you sending me #1

  33. I wrote something on her wall about you sending me #2

  34. The Prevention 3-2-1 workout would be good.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  35. Oh my, Lindsey - I soooooo want to win this workout! It has been on my wish list since it came out. The other workout of Chris's I would like to try is Walking Cardio Shapeup Max - this has also been on my wish list since it came out. I'm a huge fan of Chris Freytag and I really enjoyed your review.
    fitkitty1 at gmail dot com

  36. There are many things I like about this workout. The main one is Chris Freytag! I also like the split aspect. Really hoping and praying to win this one :-)

  37. What I learned at Chris's website is that she even had a website. This is the first time I visited. I also learned that she sells her workouts from the website through Exercise TV.

  38. Mandatory entry - I want to try her 2 week turnaround cardio and strength DVD. My email address is

  39. I liked Chris on Facebook - Entry #1

  40. I liked Chris on Facebook - Entry #2

  41. I follow win or lose blog - Entry #1

  42. I follow win or lose blog - Entry #2

  43. I love 20 min workouts. Stephanie's PF series is another favorite of mine. Im excited to try the new Slimdown DVD.

  44. From her website I learned that she has an online program that you can try for free for 14 days and she also sells fitness equipment on her website.

  45. Thank you for directing me to the meal plan on the website. I think it is very practical for me and I will be following it - Entry #1

  46. Thank you for directing me to the meal plan on the website. I think it is very practical for me and I will be following it - Entry #2

  47. Thank you for directing me to the meal plan on the website. I think it is very practical for me and I will be following it - Entry #3

  48. What appeals to me about the Exercise TV 10 Pound Slimdown Meal Plan is that it's based on clean eating and it looks very balanced.

  49. What appeals to me about the Exercise TV 10 Pound Slimdown Meal Plan is that it's based on clean eating and it looks very balanced. #2 fitkitty1 at gmail dot com

  50. What appeals to me about the Exercise TV 10 Pound Slimdown Meal Plan is that it's based on clean eating and it looks very balanced. #3 fitkitty1 at gmail dot com

  51. I just entered your Jeanette Jenkins giveaway. fitkitty1 at gmail dot com

  52. I just entered your Jeanette Jenkins giveaway #2. fitkitty1 at gmail dot com

  53. I liked Chris on Facebook #1 (I go by the name of Kitty FitKitty over there).

  54. I liked Chris on Facebook #2 (I go by the name of Kitty FitKitty over there).

  55. I wrote on Chris's wall that you sent me and I asked her to wish me luck on your giveaway! Kitty FitKitty on facebook.

  56. I wrote on Chris's wall that you sent me and I asked her to wish me luck on your giveaway! #2. Kitty FitKitty on facebook.

  57. I'd like the two week turnaround dvd and the kick start your metabolism dvd!
