
Friday, January 7, 2011

1.7.11: Have You Seen the New Top Trainers Set???

Today: Exciting reviewing news: I received the awesome Top Trainers dvd set! It includes 11 dvds from some of the industries TOP Trainers, including: Jennifer Galardi, Stephanie Vitorino, Tracey Mallet, Michelle DozoisIlaria Montagnan, Susan Tuttle, Christi Taylor, Angie Miller, Lindsey Brin, and Ellen Barrett. So expect some awesome reviews!!!! Below is the review for Jennifer Galardi's Ballet Body.

The really cool thing about this set is that is comes w/ an AWESOME rotation! I will admit I have NEVER followed a rotation that came with a kit before- because honestly, other rotations have never made a lot of sense to me- upper body 2 days in a row, 4 days with no strength work, 3 rest days in a row, etc. You get my point. Well NOT the case here. The Top Trainers rotation works up in intensity and w/o minutes but starts at a very reasonable place. I'm very excited to follow along their 30 day rotation and can def foresee great results with doing so! Love the variety and can definitely see how this could "shake things up" and confuse my muscles & body. Check out the site here, they have some other cool fitness finds as well. The set also comes with an exercise band, fitness guide, and a 30 day free membership to

Today's Review: Ballet Body (part of the Top Trainers set)
Jennifer Galardi, 2009

This dvd has 5 seperate segments that you can do individually or string together (play all). The total w/o time is just over 60 minutes including warmup and stretch. Jennifer works out in a nice open set w/ hardwood floors and pinkish windows in the background. There are 2 background exercisers-one shows beginner modifications. You will need one set of light/medium dumbbells for some of the sections. She recommends not wearing shoes-so I didnt! Love that. The music varies from upbeat classical to almost African sounding-it was all appropriate for each section and I really liked it.

Warmup: This is a very active, fluid warmup that gets the blood flowing nicely. It includes a solid pliet series and also works the arms because you are holding them out ballet style. You get some nice flowing stretching here as well. You could do this section on its own as a light w/o IMO.

Strength: You start with a close stance pliets, pliets variations & relevettes. Then she moves into some standing ab work that I really enjoyed-it was very different than what Im used to! Felt very effective! She does standing ab scoops, side bends, and portibra all with a ballet flair-very active and fluid. She moves into a tough curtsey dip with oblique squeeze sequence that I particularly enjoyed! Then she grabs her dumbbells for rotator cuffs work, V raises, bicep curl variations, and a behind the back tricep squeeze. 

Balance: She starts the standing leg work with a mini rondejon with a glute sqeeze and moves into what, to me, felt like standing table work. From there you move into a plank-tri push-up-down dog series and finished with some tricep pushups that really fried my triceps. This section closes with some unique table work.

Floor Barre: You start with some lower body work done on the floor and move into a rollup (V sit) core exercise, leg raises, and rolling into a ball. My arms were also being worked in a lot of these moves (in this and other sections as well) because you are holding them out. You do some lying inner and outer thigh ballet type moves and finish with some killer standing leg lifts. 

Stretch: The stretch was very nice and welcome! It was done lying and was definately dance inspired. 

I would rate this an intermediate workout but I am no expert on ballet or barre. Collage rates it intermediate/ advanced. It was an awesome change of pace from my normal workouts and we all know variety is not only the spice of life-but our bodies NEED it to progress. I just adore Jen as a lead and I really enjoyed this workout. It didnt make me want to die but definately felt effective-great formula for success. I received this dvd to review from Healthy Fit Bodies as part of the Top Trainers kit.