
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Patrick Goudeau's Play Ball in 4 Review

Today's Review: Play Ball in 4
Patrick Goudeau, 2009

This med ball workout has four 15ish minute "quarters" (like a basketball game) & a cooldown. It is chaptered so you can combine them for one fun 63 minute w/o, or select a quarter. Patrick leads with 2 background exercisers in an open room w/ hardwood floors & fogged windows. You will only need your med ball! This dvd has it all: cardio, strength, balance, and core work!

First Quarter: Exercises include: shuffle, side step, ball to floor jacks, twist & knee pull, torso twists w/ arms extended, 180 lunge backs, jog forward & back w/ ball pushes, etc.

Second Quarter: Exercises include: jumping ball swings, shuffle ball pass, hopping heel clicks, squat -leg lift- ball pass, soccer drill toe taps, seated behind back ball roll, ball to ground lunge back, step touch, bi curls, etc

Third Quarter: Exercises include: double step touch ball up, box step, side lunge to knee balance, ball planks w/ knee pulls, jack knee ups, kneeling torso reach, washing machine: ski & torso twist, etc.

Forth Quarter: Exercises include: fast feet- floor touch, figure 8 between legs lunges, pulsing lunges, walking pushups, ball crunces, crunch-knee in- ball to toe, a fun full body core move- roll around- ball up- roll down, bikes w/ ball between knees, knee drops, one arm ball planks (tough), etc.

I would rate this an intermediate workout that is easy to modify up or down. Patrick does a fantastic job utilizing the ball in all the moves & in fun new ways. I am a huge fan of med ball work and Patrick- so I knew this was a good choice for me. Patrick is a great instructor w/ a wonderful energy, fantastic cuing and great form. Very versatile- use a light ball to keep it cardio or heavy up and use it as an aerobic weight training w/o. And includes plenty of time options. I received this dvd to review.

I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Please see my disclosures page for details. Do not copy, in whole, or in part any portion of any postings on my blog. Do not repost my content on any other site without my explicit consent. All of my postings belong solely to


  1. Praising God your fam in Japan is safe!!!! That ball workout looks fun.

  2. Ooooo, I love the monogramed frame so pretty!

  3. Lindsey, so glad your Japanese family is safe. Thanks for letting us know. So devastating; I don't even like to watch the news any more - I find it so upsetting.

    I like your crafts - can't really see the HK case that well but your hair flower is simply adorable! Do you still have a Hello Kitty tag? I don't see it across the top with the others any more...

    I voted in your new poll!

  4. thank you all!!!!

    FK- I do have a HK tag but I didnt put it on the top, Ill move it back up. All the tags are at the very bottom of my page...if you click on the pic it will get bigger & you can see the case pretty good. Its super cute :) DH bought it for me. sucha nice boy.

  5. The crisis in Japan is overwhelming but hearing about your family being ok really brought relief and a sense of hope.

  6. It is super scary- I cant even begin to imagine what everyone in Japan is going through- one thing after another, many large earthquakes, tsunami, and now the nuclear meltdown. Ugh

  7. Thanks for the tip - I didn't know I could make the pic bigger. The HK case is very cute!
