
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Winners! Michele Olson DVD & Protein Bakery Sampler

The winner of The Protein Bakery Sampler is Jenna Z who said...

"YUM, I'd love to try the Brownie with chips!"

And the winners of the winner of Michele Olson's Perfect Legs, Glutes, & Abs is Pratima who said..."Voted for Kelsie in the poll! Just tried her Pump, Jump, Jab workout and she seems really tough to me. The others are more...TV tough."

The winners have been emailed and have 48 hours to respond & claim their fantastic prizes. Thank you to everyone who entered and a HUGE thank you to Michele Olson & The Protein Bakery for sponsoring these awesome giveaways! Be sure to enter my current giveaways here. LOTS of good ones going on right now!

Winners: If you have a blog- feel free to add my button! It would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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