
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Supreme 90 Day Review: Core Dynamics

Supreme 90 Day Core Dynamics
Tom Holland, 2010 

Tom leads this 28 minute core workout in a lifting gym style set. Tom instructs PT style with 4 background exercisers actually performing all the moves. You will need dumbbells  for this workout. The dvd is chaptered into warmup, workout, and cooldown (the warmup is the same for most the discs in this series). A countdown timer comes up for the final 5 seconds of the work portions. One b/g'er shows modifications. 

This workout is structured into 4 circuits of 6 or so exercises. Each exercise is done for  30 seconds, and you move right from exercise to exercise. At the end of each circuit you get 45 seconds of rest. The final move in each circuit is a cardio/ total body exercise to get/ keep your heart pumping. During the rest period Tom shows the exercises in the upcoming circuit. 

Core Exercises include: roll up to standing, weighted sit ups, plank knee pulls, plank to weighted side reach, weighted twisting sit ups, side plank w/ weighted punch, plank arm raise, elevator planks, plank to side plank w/ leg & arm raise, pike crunch, plank jacks (arms & legs moving), weighted  V twists, hi plank knee taps, plank glute raise, side plank & punch up, etc. Cardio moves: kettlebell swing, weighted march, kettlebell clean & press lowering the weight to the ground, and low squats. 

I rate this a lower to solid advanced workout that really keeps you moving & includes some nice cardio. While this isnt the hardest core workout Ive ever done- the pace IMO makes this pretty challenging. Time really flew by in this one. I love the addition of a cardio move in each circuit. Really hit the abs from a ton of different angles & included a lot of great core work! Tom is a great lead- very motivating.  Received this dvd to review.

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