
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Crunch & Exercise TV: Facebook Giveaway Info

Today's Bargain: Crunch Fitness & ExerciseTV Power Pack Facebook 3 DVD Giveaway:

Action Sports with Michelle Opperman
Dance Rhythms with Marc Santa Maria
Eroticise Series with Cat Chiarelli
Two Winners can win all 3 DVDs now on ExerciseTV’s Facebook page! To enter to win the Crunch & Exercise TV DVD Power Pack complete the following sentence on the Facebook contest post here:
"When I am “CRUNCH-ed” for time the workout that is my best use of time is _______"

Today's Review: Crunch & Exercise TV: Action Sports Review
Michelle Opperman, 2010

This dvd contains three 21-22 minute athletic workouts. Michelle works out with 4 background exercisers in a real Crunch gym! You will need no equipment for Ass & Abs and only dumbbells for the other 2 workouts. 

Ass & Abs: This is an unweighted workout that really hits those buns & the core! Michelle provides lots of multi limb exercises to really make the most of your 20 minutes and finishes the work on the floor with some donkey kicks & ab work. Exercises include squats, lunges, curtsy & side squats, plank variations, and sit ups.

Diesel: This is a cardio and strength interval workout using light dumbbells. Each strength & cardio exercise gets progressively more challenging & you will hit all your muscle groups including your heart & lunges. Michelle includes lots of great intensity bursts & various levels of intensity. Exercises include: dips & bi curls, pushups, moguls, skaters, shuffle, deadlifts & rows, squat hops, 180 jumps, and side lunges.

Chisel: This is a strength workout that includes some “funky” dance inspired lower body movements- still easy to follow and tons of fun! Michelle adds lower body movements to all the upper body work to really keep your heart pumping. Exercises include: clean & press, bi curl, lat raise, squat chop, pushups, plank rows, overhead press & tricep presses. 

I would rate these as solid intermediate workouts. You can easily add dumbbells to Ass & Abs to up the intensity a bit. Easy to do each workout individually or put them all together for an hour long strength & cardio blast. Michelle is a good instructor that provides clear cuing. Great variety on one dvd! Check out Two Belles Fitness for information on all three Crunch & Exercise TV dvds.

Weekly Poll Results: "Do You Exercise on Vacation?"

Vacation walking counts...
Almost never- its vacation after all
I try/ sometimes

Today's Tip: Super Foods For Weight Loss Avocado
of an avocado (29 grams) scare you—that's what makes it a top weight loss food, Kraus says. "The heart-healthy monounsaturated fat it contains increases satiety," she says. And it's terrific summer party food. Read more on Self .