
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

PeakFit Challenge Review:Cardio Interval Burn Review

PeakFit Challenge Cardio Interval Burn
Michelle Dozois, 2011

This is a 65 minute mostly kickboxing cardio workout. Michelle leads in a spacious white/ hardwood room with a group of background exercisers. You wont need any equipment for this workout. Some modifications are shown.

The workout is structured that you start with a basecamp move, move into ascent and then climb and finish with almost 30 seconds of peak intensity. You perform five 10 minute intervals for two rounds each (a total of 10 peaks). The majority of the exercises are kickboxing inspired and Michelle does a great job of blending high and low impact into this heart pumping workout.

Exercises include: lots of good punch & kick combos (nothing complicated though), hi tuck jumps, triple run, shuffle, hitch kcks, torso twist, double step touch to floor touch, hi knee fence hoppers, skaters, jacks, scissors, bob & weave, bang the drum w/ a hop, hi knee run, sprints, and pendulum jacks.

I rate this a low advanced or very high intermediate cardio workout. The sequencing of the exercises building in intensity allows you to keep going for the duration in this workout. My heart rate stayed high the entire time but I didnt get what I would consider anaerobic at any point. A great challenging but do-able cardio workout. Not for beginners, thats for sure! Michelle does a fantastic job in this one- and all the exercises were easy to catch onto but not boring at all.


  1. Lindsey, that really bites! Since you love tubing so much, do you think you'll try again - or just forget it? Of course you'd need a new tube...

    Nice review...sounds like these Peak Fits are great workouts. Unfortunately, I'm nursing a strained ligament on my hip and I'm only allowed walking for the next while. But I'm enjoying reading about your workouts!

  2. oh no FK :( Im sorry to hear about your hip! Good for you for getting in walking w/o's though!!!!

    I do like the PeakFit w/o's. Michelle is a really a great lead.

    I am very sad about our tube :( we are all regretting that we tossed it now LOL but didnt want to risk losing air again. Were worried that if we got stuck at the wrong point in the middle of the desert it could be dangerous in this heat :( wahhhh. We may buy a new one next year LOL!
