
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Review: Exercise TV 10 Pound Slimdown Xtreme Featuring Chris Freytag

ExerciseTV presents the new: 10 POUND SLIMDOWN XTREME featuring fitness favorite Chris Freytag! This is a follow up to Chris' very popular 10 Pound Slimdown! Order your 10 Pound Slimdown Xtreme today and be on  your way to losing up to 10 pounds in 28 days!

10 Pound Slimdown Xtreme is a 28-day advanced training system separated into four weeks of total body, upper body, core, and lower body workouts. Muscle memory is shaken up each week for faster results by target toning each muscle group with isolated styles of training..

Chris Freytag, 2011 

This 3 dvd set features Chris Freytag and includes 13 workouts. Chris works out alone in a very cute open studio set. You will need dumbells and a chair (or high step) for some of the workouts. The set includes 6 new 40 minute Xtreme workouts on 1 disc, the five original 20 minute 10 Pound Slimdown workouts on 1 disc, and two 10 minute bonus workouts on 1 disc, and comes with downloadable meal & workout guides.

Cardio Kickboxing: (40 min) This intermediate cardio workout includes various punches & kicks, simple & fun kickboxing combos, elbow blocks, jacks, shuffles, knee pulls, & speed bag. It is fairly low impact though Chris adds in some hops to get the heart rate up. 

Lower Body Circuit: (40 min) Chris breaks this down into 4 circuits that are repeated twice. Each circuit contains 3 strength exercises followed by a power (cardio) drill. Done with heavier weights this is a low advanced workout- I used 15's & 20's and my LB was fully fatigued by the end. Exercises include: elevated lunges (back foot on the chair or step), weighted step ups, pliet, squat combos, V step to power V's, static pliet & calf raise, KB swings, lunge- side lunge combo, & jumprope. 

Upper Body Circuit: (40 min) Chris breaks this down into 4 circuits that are repeated twice. Each circuit contains 3 strength exercises followed by a power (cardio) drill. Done with heavier weights this is a high intermediate/ lo advanced workout- my UB was fully fatigued by the end. Exercises include: pushup varitions, mil press, power squat adding a hop, 180 surfer hops, front & side raise combo, tri kickbacks, bi curl variations, and running knee ups. 

Core Circuit: (40 min) This is a great 40 minute core cardio routine & includes standing & floor core work. It includes 4 circuits that are done 2ce each and contain 3 strength & 1 power drill. Exercises include: elbow to knee pull down, Mt. climbers, V sit with dumbbell row, double leg stretch, frog hops, plank to pike dives, out-out-in-in fast feet, plank hip dips, and side plank with a scoop. Lots of reps make this a solid to high intermediate.

Total Body Circuit: (40 min) Chris breaks this down into 4 circuits that are repeated twice. Each circuit contains 3 strength exercises followed by a power (cardio) drill. Exercises include: pec fly & bicycle, side plank & dumbbell raise, bi curl- add squat add knee up, squat-weight to ground- overhead press, low lunge-balance knee & overhead press, tri dips, ski twitst to moguls, step squat & overhead tri press. Hits all muscle groups & I rate it a high intermediate.

Yoga (40 min) This is a low intermediate typical vinyasa flow yoga routine. Poses include: breath work, neck stretch, roll up, plank, down dog, chataranga, warrior series, 3 leg dog, twisted chair, chair pose, crescent lunge, rag doll, spider planks, and a balance glute pinch.

Bonus Abs: (10 min) This lying core work includes plenty of reps of each exercise. Exercises include: long leg circles, butterfly crunches, rope climber sit ups, side plank hip dips, plank knee pulls, and superman.

Bonus Buns: (10 min) This mostly standing weighted lower body work accomplishes a lot in a short amount of time. Exercises include: clock lunges, stationary lunges pulses adding a knee up, pulsing squats w/ a glute pinch, pliet pulse combos, and finishes with bridges.

All the exercises start basic but are built on and progressively get more challenging-once you get the hang of the w/o's you could easily do the more challenging exercise first. Chris is a fabulous lead, her cuing is great and she offers modifications throughout. As a whole I rate this a high intermediate set. Great for many levels! I received this dvd to review.

For more information:
Visit the ExerciseTV 10 Pound Slimdown Xtreme website
Like ExerciseTV on Facebook
Visit Chris Freytag's website
All my 10 Pound Slimdown Reviews

I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Please see my disclosures page for details. Do not copy, in whole, or in part any portion of any postings on my blog. Do not repost my content on any other site without my explicit consent. All of my postings belong solely to


  1. Whoa, this sounds like a bit of everything! I really need to add more circuit training in, and this sounds great! Thanks Lindsey!

  2. It is a super versatile set!!! I really like Chris :)
