
Monday, April 2, 2012

P90X Core Synergistics Review

P90X Core Sybnergestics
Tony Horton, 2004 

Tony leads this fun & unique 58 min core focused workout in the P90X gym set. You will need dumbbells, bands, and optional gliding discsThere is a countdown timer for the workout & each exercise duration.

After a warmup & stretch, exercises include: staggered hand pushups variations, banana rolls, lean crescent lunge, static runner, bow to boat, low skater & glute raise, twisting floor touch to overhead reach, burpee-pushup-Mt climber, side plank hip drops, chataranga climber, walking planks, supereman banana, lunge -kickback- clean & press, tire run- hi knee run, 1 leg tri dips, squat X raise, elbow to knee cross pulls, roll back & hop up, and includes a 5 minute c/d & stretch. 
This is mostly core work but does include some other strength work as well. 

I rate this hi intermediate - it will definitely burn out your core muscles!! Really enjoyed this workout- def one of my fav's in the set. Tons of unique & fun exercises that will challenge your body & core in a new way. Tony is chatty but not annoying to me- I like him, he keeps it fun and keeps the workout moving along. 

1 comment:

  1. I've recently seen this on telly and I'm very tempted. Did it work for you? Did you see results?
    P90X Review
