
Friday, August 17, 2012

Nutrisystem Week 21 Update: 15.4 lbs Down

Nutrisystem Total Twenty-One Week Loss: 15.4 lbs
This weeks loss: .3 lbs

Not a huge loss but again, a loss is a loss! I am so happy to have hit my goal with Nutrisystem!  I DID in fact wear my bikini last weekend tubing. It wasnt the best idea because in reality, how many people look great in a bikini sitting. Eh oh well, no harm done. We did get pics but on a disposable film (whats that?) camera. So they wont be developed until we finish the roll. We go next weekend again so probably sooner rather than later.

I seriously LOVE not having to cook my meals. It is such a time sucker cooking, cleaning, prepping. Nutrisystem has really freed up some valuable time for me these past 5+ months and I LOVE that! Not having to think about food prep, shopping, cooking, etc is so nice. Especially in these hot months. 

It really is a plan that I can live by and follow. So many plans out there just dont have sticking factor. Going into 6 months on Nutrisystem and going strong! I can def see this as a long term plan. They offer plans for once you have hit your goal- ala carte and dinner/ breakfast/ lunch only type options. They also have "weekends off" which is a good choice for me that I will be looking into. Here is tonight's dinner, comfort food Nutrisystem style- Chicken Alfredo:

Havent gotten tired of the food yet- probably because they have SO many options! I dont even have to repeat the same meal within a week- which is more variety than I typically got off Nutrisystem because I'm not preparing 7 different meals each week. I used to do 3-4 and duplicate a few days.  (Not sure why I went rainbow on this post LOL). Check out JANET JACKSON!!!!!!!! WOW. 

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling   1-888-853-4689  or by visiting Nutrisystem online. 

For More Information:
Visit the Nutrisystem Website
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I received a sample of this product to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest review. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


  1. Slow & steady, right? Are you back at goal yet?

  2. my goal was 15 #'s so Im still good :) woot!!!!! And YES slow & steady has always been my way lol
