
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Collage Video Review: Cathe's Low Impact Challenge

Collage Video

This review comes from my favorite Fitness DVD distributor- Collage Video! As always, I am super excited to work with Collage Video! And you know your Collage Video orders always come SUPER fast and their shipping is FREE on most items over $25.00 and cheap on anything else. Collage guarantees ALL of their dvds- even on ones you have opened! Thats customer service! They offer a HUGE assortment of fitness dvds and accessories all of which are tested by certified instructors! You just cannot beat Collage Video for all your fitness dvd needs. Check them out- they always have awesome sales going on. 
Low Impact Challenge
Cathe Friedrich, 2011

From Cathe's Low Impact series is this fun all step routine that will give you a great sweaty workout without all the high impact that (my) your joints dont need! You will only need a step bench for this workout. 
After a warmup, exercises include: knee ups, pivots, kicks, march around the step, repeaters, up & over variations, swing steps, L variations, straddles, around the world, and concludes with a cooldown & stretch. There are 4 routines, the last being the most challenging. 
This is an intermediate step routine in terms of intensity and high intermediate in terms of choreography. The moves themselves are not overly complex but to keep the heart rate up the pace is quick.  Love the intensity and the pace of this workout, and as always Cathe is an excellent instructor with great cuing and fun choreography. I received this dvd to review. 
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I received a sample of this product to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest review. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

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