
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Cathe XTRAIN Hard Strikes Review

We all know & LOVE fitness favorite Cathe Friedrich - keep reading -keep reading for my review of Hard Strikes from her XTRAIN Series. And stay tuned for more fun Cathe reviews to come!!!! I really enjoyed this workout, low impact but high intensity. LOVE the heavy bag routine,and got a great upper body & cardio workout in. I broke this up into a cardio and core day and then upper body strength the next. 

XTRAIN Hard Strikes
Cathe Friedrich, 2012

Cathe works out in a brick set with 4 background exercisers to some great new music. You will only need weighted gloves & dumbbells for this 46 min boxing and conditioning workout. The dvd is fully chaptered and contains premixes & bonus segments.

After a warmup, exercises include: fun punch combos - often keeping your feet moving so you really keep your heart pumping, knee pulls, jack rope and scissor drills, jump squats, ice breakers, flurries, shuffle- hook and traveling punches. The upper body Conditioning segment includes: alt military press, bear crawl press ups, balance bi's, side plank shoulder press, tri dips, sit up & punch combos, and a sit up & push up combo. There is a separate cooldown section.

Bonus Core (10 min): sit up variations, crunch variations, V twists, gorilla walk, plank knee drops & knee pulls, plank toe taps, plank hold, & banana roll crunches. This was a tough little ab routine!!!

Bonus Burn Set Tris (14 min): Exercises include tri pushups, lying overhead tris, tubing French press, and kickbacks.

Bonus Heavy Bag (13 min): Wearing weighted gloves Cathe leads you through 4 sets of tabata punches, various punch combos for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest. I dont have a heavy bag so I just shadow boxed & still got a great workout.

Rep Bicep Challenge (7 min): 100 reps of barbell bicep curls!

I rate this a high intermediate routine in terms of intensity but found the choreo easy to catch on to. Fun routines, with lots of variety, cardio drills, boxing combos, and upper body strength work make this an awesome calorie burner & upper body toner. The time really flew by and I enjoyed the pace & worked up a great sweat! I received this dvd to review.

For More Information, Visit:
The Cathe Website
Cathe on Facebook
Cathe on Twitter

I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.  Please see my disclosures page for details

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