
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Cathe Friedrich's XTrain: All Out Low Impact HiiT

XTrain: All Out Low Impact HiiT
Cathe Friedrich, 2012

Cathe leads this 39 min cardio routine in a brick gym set with 4 backgrounders. You will need a step, gliding dics, and dumbbells for this workout. The dvd is fully chaptered, contains premixes, and bonus routines.

After a warmup, floor work: squat kicks, lunges, wegithed sumo squats, switch kicks, shuffle digs, & robe climb –elbow strikes. Step work: swimmer lunges, sumo squats, box step cha-cha, windmill side kick, step slam, and running man. Disc work: step touch, Mt. climbers, swimmer lunges, cross country, and jacks.

Bonus Core (10 min): banana obliques, crunch, plank & sit up variations. Burn Set Chest (14 min): bench press, pec fly, incline press & pushups. Burn Set Shoulders (14 min): military press, single arm lat raise, & single arm real delt fly. 100 Rep Challenge Scarecrows also included.

I rate this a solid to high intermediate routine that really got my heartrate up and was easy on the joints & my bad knee. I love the athletic drill format, great music, and Cathe’s stellar instruction. Another wonderful workout from Cathe. I received this dvd to review. 

For More Information, Visit:
The Cathe Website
Cathe on Facebook
Cathe on Twitter

I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.  Please see my disclosures page for details

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