
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Interview with Fitness Pro Jennifer Galardi

Jennifer Galardi is a nationally recognized star of many best-selling dance &fitness DVD’s- her newest being Sweatin’ Sexy and Flowetry is available for pre-order now! Jennifer Galardi is a popular figure among top media, held in high esteem throughout the fitness industry, and adored by fans-including the Belles.

Belles: What got you started in the fitness industry?
Jennifer: You know, I get that question all the time and it’s always difficult to answer simply. I believe I’ve been led down this path my whole life. One thing prepared me for the next and it’s been that way since I started dance and tennis in high school. I’ve always loved to move and dance has always been near and dear to my heart. They say luck is when opportunity meets preparation. If that’s the case, then I’d have to conclude, I’ve just been lucky. I’m blessed to be able to do what I love for a living.
Belles: You have a lot of fitness dvds out, do you have a favorite?
Jennifer: I really enjoyed shooting my “Sweating Sexy” DVD as I was working with two of my favorite dancers as back up talent. My newest DVD called “Flowetry” (which should be out late this year) was a totally different experience for me, as I didn’t instruct as we were shooting. All of my cuing, etc. will be done in post-production via voice over. I thought that was a better, more appropriate way to teach a yoga-based program. Which is also a new area for me. I combined two of my most favorite disciplines: Yoga and Dance. That workout felt really good.
Belles: Some of your newest dvds are ballet inspired- does this reflect your current fitness regime or do you “mix it up”?
Jennifer: I definitely like to mix it up, but dance and yoga are two disciplines that really feed my soul as well as my body.
I express myself best through physical movement and my body and yoga and dance allow me that outlet. Other days you may find me running or just playing around in the gym using everything from the ViPR tool to Kettlebells to the Pilates Magic Circle. I just love to move and create!
Belles: You have done quite a few workouts for ExerciseTV, Dance Off the Inches, and 10 Minute Solution. How does that compare to workouts you have put out on your own?
Jennifer: I can’t say creating workouts for other outlets is much different than creating ones for livWhole. You know, the process is similar. However, I definitely feel more freedom to do exactly what I want when coming up with workouts for my own productions. At times, it’s more challenging because no one is holding me accountable to a schedule, timeline, etc., except myself and I tend to procrastinate!
Belles: Many people may or may not know this but you are also the choreographer behind many popular workouts, how does it compare being behind the scenes vs in front of the camera? Do you have a preference?
Jennifer: I actually LOVE being behind the scenes! The pressure is off to ‘look good’ all the time and it’s nice to be able to teach others some new skills and watch them flourish. I’d have to say Julianne Hough was one of my favorite talents to work with, b/c as a dancer, she ‘got it’ intuitively. I wasn’t teaching her how to dance that’s for sure! Just refining her skills to teach in front of a camera. She had this bubbly personality and she was meant to be on screen. Truly a beautiful, fun young lady!
For more information about Jennifer Galardi visit:
Her LivWhole website
Jennifer Galardi on Facebook
Jennifer Galardi on Twitter

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