
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

NEW From Suzanne Bowen: Tighten Tone And Torch Review

Tighten Tone and Torch
Suzanne Bowen, 2013

This dvd contains three 21-23 minute workouts, one cardio, one lower body, and one upper body, and  separate warm up and cool down. Suzanne works out alone, barefoot, and you will need dumbells for the strength workouts. There is also a 6 min bonus ab workout.

Upper Body Sleek: Exercises include knee push ups, low hover, tri pushup variations, plank shifts, plank knee drops, side plank series, table to tri & shoulder weight work, and kneeling side & front raises.

Lower Body Lean: Exercises include plie series, lunge series, unique balance stick work, hip shifts, kneeling hip circles & shifts, table top work, plank leg raises, and side lying inner thigh work.

Cardio Sleek: This is a cardio interval workout. Exercises include: plie abduct series, lunge taps, rear leg lift & kicks, plie & jump, and includes a short stretch. This is mostly low impact.

Bonus Abs: Exercises include: Crunches, oblique crunch series, bike & bridge.

I rate this an intermediate routine. Suzanne provides excellent form pointers and instruction. Lots of great unique exercises, great pace, and no wasted time. This dvd offers a lot of variety and has no dread factor. I received this dvd to review.

For More Information, Visit:
Suzanne Bowen on the web
Suzanne Bowen Fitness on Facebook
Follow Suzanne Bowen on Twitter

I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.  Please see my disclosures page for details.

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