
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

RAVE & Review: 10 Minute Solution High Intensity Interval Training

10 Minute Solution: High Intensity Interval Training
Lisa Kinder, 2013

This fully customizable dvd contains five 10 minute workouts. Lisa works out alone in a nice brick gym. You will not need any equipment for these cardio & body weight strength workouts. Each 10 min segment contains 8 exercises that are performed for 2 times for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest.

HiiT 101: Exercises include: a brief warm up,skater jumps, 1/2 burpees, plank moguls, crab kicks, bear crawl, box jump, surrenders to tuck jumps, and a brief cool down.

Ab HiiT: Exercises include: a brief warm up, knee pulls, plank side knee pull, reverse crunch, plank kick throughs, plank bear twist, plank moguls, and a brief cool down.

Upper Body HiiT: Exercises include: a brief warm up, walk out pushups, plank pendulums, tri dip & kick, tap out frogs, walking plank climbers, down down ankle slaps, travelling pushups, plank to side plank, and a brief cool down. Great cardio pace, also hits the core, challenging horizontal training.

HiiT Explosion: Exercises include: a brief warm up, hi knees, long jump & shuffle back, 1 legged burpees, fast feet & tuck jump, squat jacks- floor touch, shuffle floor touch, plank donkey kicks to kneeling, and a brief cool down.

Rock Bottom HiiT: Exercises include: a brief warm up, skaters, squat pendulum jumps, runners lunge hops, bridge kicks, sumo jacks, squat kicks, surfer burpees, and a brief cool down. You can easily add dumbbells to up the challenge.

Lisa provides tons of modification options making this workout great for most fitness levels. I rate it a high intermediate. Love the pace of this workout - really get a lot accomplished in a short amount of time. Great instruction & tons of unique exercises. I received this dvd to review.

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