
Thursday, September 19, 2013

REVIEW ~ Leslie Sansone Just Walk: Five Mega Miles

Just Walk: Five Mega Miles
Leslie Sansone, 2013

This cardio & strength work out comes with a toning band - which is used for 2 of the included one mile programs. This chaptered dvd contains 5 one mile segments (13-15 min each) and a separate warm up & cool down (5 min each). Leslie works out with a group of exercisers in a loft style set.

Mile One: This is a straight forward lower impact walking routine. Exercises include: walking, jogging, side step, grapevine, knee ups, kicks, and walking up & back.

Mile Two: This routine alternates walking and band work strength segments. Leslie keeps the feet moving with the band work. Exercises include: walking, kicks, side step, walk & alt pull, knee up & steering wheel arms, tap out & bow & arrow pulls, ham curls, and walk & tri kick backs.

Mile Three: This is a higher intensity boosted mile. Exercises include: jogging up, knee ups, kicks, hi knee run, and side step.

Mile Four: This routine alternates cardio and strength work. Exercises include: side step, walk, kicks, toe taps, band lunges, bi curls, knee pulls, band squats, and band tri kickbacks.

Mile Five: This is a core focuses cardio mile. Exercises include: cardio lunges & reach, walk, knee ups, kicks, cross knee pull, cha-cha, side step, and grapevine. I added a loop for lower body work.

This dvd contains a lot of variety. Using a strong band & a loop to up the lower body work I got a great workout! Done following Leslie, I rate this an intermediate routine. This is a great dvd for those that want straight forward cardio & toning, an encouraging instructor, no complex choreo and plenty of variety. Over 80 minutes of fun exercise make this a great value! I received this dvd to review.

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I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.  Please see my disclosures page for details.

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