
Friday, November 15, 2013

REVIEW: 10 Minute Solutions Butt Lift

10 Minute Solution: Butt Lift
Christine Bullock, 2013

This dvd has five 10 minute butt focused workouts and a bonus 10 minute ab workout. You wont need any equipment for these workouts but you can easily add dumbbells or ankle weights to increase the burn. 

Butt Lift: 2 sets of 5 moves, 45 seconds each with no wasted time. Exercises include around the world lunge, kneeling karate kicks, lying frog press, single leg bridge, crescent- balance leg extension, and a short stretch.  

Cardio Booty Camp: This is a cardio paced booty focused w/o; 45 second intervals. Exercises include: lunge glute extension, side step & kick, plank jacks, single leg down dog, jacks tap back, curtsy & side kick. 

Upright Booty: This is an all standing butt & core routine. dip to knee pull, dip -lunge torso twist, side lunge & crunch, hip circle squats, dip pulses, and glute raises. 

Butt & Thighs: Ballet inspired/ pilates fusion: 2 sets of 5 exercises, 45 sec each. Exercises include: side lunge inner thigh toe taps, kneeling lean backs, kneeling side leg raises, pretzel, and standing glute raises. 

HiiT Butt Lift: This is a booty focused cardio routine; 8 exercises performed 2X each for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds rest. Exercises include: plyo lateral squats, plyo lunges, plie plyo, side lunge round house, burpee to dip, side lunge squat, power runner lunge, plyo lunge & squat.

BONUS Amazing Abs: 2 sets of 5 exercises, 45 seconds each. Exercises include: knee raise, plank knee pull over, V twists, leg pulls, attitude crunches, long lever oblique crunches, and boat pose.

Done following Christine this is a solid intermediate routine. Add some weights to up the challenge. I like Christine & she really brings some fun & unique exercises in this dvd. I foresee getting tons of use out of this & love that it has a bonus ab workout! I received this dvd to review.

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