
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Acacia: Escape Your Shape: 21-Day Body Makeover

 Edward Jackowski, PhD (creator), 2013

This dvd contains six 20 minute workouts, 2 per body type. First determine your body type: hourglass, ruler, or spoon and go from there. You will need dumbbells for these workouts. Each body type has a different instructor leading. They workout in an open space with a beginner and advanced modifier & the lead showing the intermediate option.

Hourglass: These workouts target the core and focus on cardio with light weight work. The same warmup is used for both workouts. You perform an upper body segment with a 90 second cardio burst then a lower body/core. Strength work: standing knee pulls, sit ups, x crunches, arm raises, overhead press, lat raise, leg extensions, and pelvic tilt. Cardio bursts: march, speed rope, jacks, and ski.

Spoon: Focuses on unweighted lower body work and core. The same warmup is used for both workouts. You perform an upper body segment with a 90 second cardio burst then a lower body/core. Strength work: standing leg circles & knee raises, overhead press, front & side raises, kicks, crunch to situps, leg drops, leg scissors, pushup variations, and glute raises. Cardio bursts: marching, jogging, and calf march.

Ruler: Focuses on upper body & lower boy work. The same warmup is used for both workouts. You perform an upper body segment with a 90 second cardio burst then a lower body/core. Strength work: pushups, military press, lat raise, upper back fly, lunges, side lunges, deadlift, bi curls, and standing leg extensions. Cardio bursts: toe touches and tip toe march.

These are lower intermediate routines that are suitable for most exercisers because of the modifiers. The instructors are cheerful & do a good job cuing. These workouts are designed to hone in on your trouble spots and provide results with 2 weeks of use. There are a ton of workout minutes on the dvd, if you are not focusing on your body type & use all of them. I received this dvd to review.

For More Information, Visit:
Acacia on Facebook

For More Information, Visit: I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Please see my disclosures page for details.


  1. Oh this looks good. I love Acacia fitness videos. Thanks for reviewing.

  2. This one is good! Very versatile :)
