
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Celsius: Your Negative Calorie Pre-Workout Drink

Celsius: Your Negative Calorie Drink ~ Increase Endurance, Boost Metabolism

Super exciting news to share with you about Celsius! Celsius is a yummy drink that will help you burn calories, raise your metabolism and provides you with the energy you need to fuel your day and your workouts! Celsius in conjunction with your exercise routine can burn extra calories!!!! Instead of that energy drink that ADDS calories, try Celsius and subtract those calories! Boost Metabolism  Lower Calories, Increase Endurance! Work harder, burn more!! WIN WIN!

Celsius helps you get fit and stay fit. Celsius is your partner whether you walk the dog or workout at the gym. Studies show that drinking a great tasting Celsius before you exercise may help you burn caloriesraise metabolism and provide lasting energy to power you through your routine and beyond.*  Even better, studies show Celsius may reduce body fat, increase endurance and provide greater resistance to fatigue (increased energy).These were the results for participants, who drank a Celsius once a day during the 10-week study and on the days they exercised they consumed their daily Celsius 15 minutes prior to exercise.

Celsius is a healthy, great tasting drink that actually burns calories instead of adding them! WOW! We work out hard, why not give our efforts every boost you can? I was so excited to see that my local Costco carries Celsius! Im going to give my workouts that extra boost that Celsius can provide!Celsius is the world's first negative calorie drink, and it tastes great! Great flavors like Sparkling cola, Sparkling Orange, Berry Blast, and more- you will find a few favorites.

I had the pleasure of sampling a few of the yummy varieties and really enjoyed them all. I think the Sparkling Cola is my favorite but I also really enjoyed the Raspberry Acai Green Tea. I love that they come in both sparkling & non-carbonated- so really something for every taste! Check out all the Celsius flavor options here. ALSO available in a powder - in stick or tub. I love that you can choose a can- to grab & go, a tub to make your own at home, or sticks to pack with you for a trip! I am so happy that I had the opportunity to learn about & try Celsius and I will definitely be hitting up Costco again soon to restock!

For More Information, Visit:
The Celsius Website
Find a Celsius retailer near you
Celsius on Twitter 
Celsius on Facebook

I received a sample of this product to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest review. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. See my disclosures page for full disclosure.

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