
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

REVIEW: Cathe Friedrich X10

Cathe Friedrich, 2013

This dvd contains five 25-29 min aero-tone workouts. You will dumbbells, step, and gliding discs for this workout. Cathe and 5 background exercisers work out in a gym set with great music. Each workout includes a warm up & cooldown.This dvd is fully chaptered & includes premixes. 

Low Impact: exercises include: squat digs, shuffle floor touch, ice breaker, lunge kicks, pliet pulses, disc burpee -pushups, single leg squat & upright row, squat overhead press, disc dips & curl, drag out stagger pushups, & tri kickbacks. Cardio then strength.

Hi-Lo: exercises include: jacks, power lunges, ski, hammer knee pulls, power jacks, jump shot, air jacks, burpee pushups, hop forward & back, lunge clean & press, squat overhead press, pliet snatch, and tri pushups. Cardio then strength. 

Cardio Blast:exercises include: pliet heel clicks, jack jab combo, squat jumps, jump rope, shuffle hop, wide tuck jumps, double jog, lunge dip scissor switch, wide tuck jumps, and burpees. All cardio.

Fat Blasting Circuit: exercises include: 180 squat hops, jacks, jog, air squats, squat overhead press, pushups, side lunge & front raise, scissor tucks, pliet hi pull, T jumps, lunges, X jump air jacks, curl & overhead press, and squat tri extension. Alternating cardio & strength.

Step: exercises include: power glute repeater, rope, soccer drill, jack & 1/4 hop turn, long pivot, straddle jump, up & over, step lunge offs, pushups, squat off step & overhead press & abduct, lunge off curl add knee pull. Cardio then strength.

These are advanced workouts with easy to follow choreography. As always, Cathe's instruction & cuing are impeccable. Lots of variety and easy to mix & match. I will get a lot of use out of these workouts. Use heavier weights for a strength day & lighter for a cardio day. I received this dvd to review. 

For More Information,Visit:
The Cathe Website
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Cathe on Twitter

I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.  Please see my disclosures page for details

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