
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Amenzone Rebel DVD Review & RAVE!

As you  may know already, I recently tried the first Amenzone Rebel DVD, enjoyed it so much I joined their gym! They have locations in CA & AZ, one right near my office!  I have been going for 2 weeks now and LOVE it! It provides a high intensity, non stop sweatfest, go-at-your-own pace, kick butt workout utilizing a tire and your own body weight. Both dvds are led by Amen Iseghohi, the  man behind Amenzone! If you have a location near you- check them out. If you are an at home exerciser- check out their two new dvds! Read my Amenzone Rebel dvd review below and check back on the blog for my review of Amenzone Rebel Xtreme! Click on my "Amenzone Fitness" link in my header to see all my Amenzone posts.

Amenzone Rebel
Amen Iseghohi, 2013

Amen works out with a group of exercisers, some using a tire & some just thier own body weight. They work out in a gym set w/ a DJ. You will need an optional tire (I used my Firm Zip Trainer, you could easily use dumbbells, or a med ball) or just use your own body weight. This is a 40 min core, cardio, & strength routine. Each exercise is performed for 30-120 seconds.

After a quick stretch, you move right into: ski or soccer drill w-toes to tire, shuffle around tire down to burpees off tire, elevator plank off tire, side to side pushups off tire, tire run, skater tire touch, squat w/ overhead tire raise, tire slam, lunges holding the tire, plank jacks off tire, squat & overhead tire swing, lateral plank hop ins, plank frog hops off the tire. Non-tire mods are shown for all exercises.

I rate this a low advanced workout that really packed a punch using the 12 lb Zip Trainer in place of the tire. Lots of unique & effective exercisers, functional movements, calorie torching cardio & strength combos. Amen provides great cuing and motivation. I obviously really loved the dvd since I joined the gym while still sweaty from the dvd workout. The dvd is a true representation of the gym workouts and DVD 2 is more intense, closer to the intensity of the live class.  I received this dvd to review. 

For More Information, Visit: 
Amenzone on the web
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Amenzone on Pinterest
Amenzone on YouTube
Amenzone on Google +

I received samples of these dvds to review; I joined the gym on my own, and paid for the membership myself. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Please see my disclosures page for details.

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