
Friday, January 10, 2014

RAVE ~ The FIRM Zip Trainer Review: Cycle 1 Rev!

The FIRM: Zip Trainer Cycle 1 Rev!
Emily Welsh, Stephanie Huckabee, Allie Del Rio, 2013

This fully customizable dvd contains 3 workouts, 3 warmups, and 3 cooldowns that you can mix & match to create exactly the workout you want. Each workout is 15 min + a 2-3 min warmup & cooldown. You will need the Zip Trainer & dumbbells for this dvd. Each workout features a beginner modifier & some advanced modifications and they work out in an open gym set.

Rev! Cardio (Allie): This slightly dancy cardio routine features 4 cardio intervals with  30 second bursts. Exercises include: a step routine on the dome: kicks, rocking horse, & ham curls. Burst: soccer drill holding the core ball, grape vine holding the core ball, back step cross, side lunge abduction. Burst: core ball tap down skaters. A floor routine: V step, march, hip shuffle, squat to ZT toss, ZT to knee pull down, burst: ZT squat & knee raise, and pendulum &  kick holding the ZT. 

Rev! Sculpt (Stephanie): This S+C routine alternates upper & lower body exercises. Exercises include squat on the dome, rows on dome, lunges to dome, burst: core ball plyo jacks, deadlifts on the dome, vi curl variations on dome, burst: ham curl w/ figure 8's holding the ZT, pushups knees on dome, squat off dome, cardio lunges w/ core ball touch to dome, core ball overhead triceps -side lunge to dome w/ abduction, & power skate holding ZT. 

Rev! AMP (Emily): This S+C routine features 8 exercises performed for one minute each with 30 seconds rest in between. Exercises include: low runners lunge on dome & core ball back fly, side lunge ZT up & over, low runners lunge on dome, squat ZT toss up & floor touch, pushup drop down on dome, dead lift & ZT chest push out, pivot lunge -ZT up & over, and plank mogul hop w/ knees to dome. 

I rate the cardio intermediate and the sculpt & AMP high intermediates. All routines provide straight forward choreography. Get the Deluxe kit & use the 7 lb core ball to really get a heart pumping workout. I love the shock absorption of the Zip Trainer as a step and that the system provides 3-12 lbs of resistance. Very functional routines, no dread, provides strength & cardio in a short amount of time, great instruction, and unique & effective exercises. I am very excited about this program and have already used the Zip Trainer with other workouts as a step & for a weighted prop. I received this dvd to review.  

(dome - unzipped flat on floor, ZT - zipped Zip Trainer w/ or w/out a core ball, core ball - just the core ball, S+C - strength & cardio, C+S - cardio & strength, AMP -as many as possible)

For More Information, Visit: 
The FIRM on the web
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The FIRM on Twitter

I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Please see my disclosures page for details.

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