
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

REVIEW: Anna Benson's Up & Down from Fitness Favorites

Fitness Favorites presents  some all time favorite one of a kind must have Anna Benson workouts!!! Stay tuned for plenty of fab Fitness Favorite dvd reviews and keep reading for a detailed review of Fitness Favorites, Up & Down originally released in 2002.  Be sure to check the all new Firm workout calendar on Fitness Favorites now.

Fitness Favorites: Up & DownJeanne Anne Copestone, 2013
This workout is 54 minutes in length. JAC works out alone on an oriental rug with a mirror in the background. You will need a tall step, dumbbells, ankle weights, and a small ball for this workout.

After a yoga & ball warmup, and a floor core routine, exercises include: tri dips, hover squats, a good morning series, pliet slides, military press, bi curls, ball toss cardio routines, lat rows, upright row, ball pushups, rocking horse, ball toss, leg press, table work, box plank & knee pulls, side plank, T stands, and a yoga cooldown.

I rate this a solid intermediate routine. Lots of unique combos & great tempo & pace changes make this a unique & effective workout. I enjoyed the instructor & variety of exercises in this routine & will be getting plenty of use out of it. I received this dvd to review. 

I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.  Please see my disclosures page for details

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