
Friday, January 3, 2014

The FIRM: Zip Trainer Rave & Review

As you know, I am a FIRM believer! The FIRM workouts helped me achieve, and maintain, my weight loss. So when presented with the opportunity to review The FIRM's newest workout system, the Zip Trainer, I jumped for joy (and hey thats a few extra calories burned!) Keep reading the blog for detailed reviews of all the new Zip Trainer workouts! The Zip Trainer is super versatile and I am already loving these workouts! The Deluxe Package is a great deal and the upgrade- the Ultimate Edition is an excellent value! 

The Zip Trainer is super versatile - you can use it in eight different ways, for hundreds of different exercise options. You can use your Zip Trainer for cardio, strength, balance, stability, and to stretch on. The Zip Trainer is a soft 5 five medicine ball that can be used to toss, step, balance, lift & more. Add the three or seven pound core ball to it to up the strength benefits of your Zip Trainer, allowing you 3-12 pounds of resistance all in one! The Zip Trainer's squish factor really cuts the impact out of stepping- which makes my knees happy. I will probably start using this as my new step bench. Replace your step bench, weighted ball, stability ball, medicine balls, and balance trainers all with the new Zip Trainer.

The Zip Trainer includes: 

  • The 5 pound Zip Trainer zippable ball
  • 7 workouts & tutorial on 3 DVDs in one convenient case
  • 3 lb Core Ball
  • Fitness Guide
  • detailed workout rotation calendar
  • Nutrition Guide featuring an all-new Flat Belly Diet and 60-day mix and match meal plan
  • 7-Day Supply The FIRM Energy Formula
  • 60-day VIP web club membership 
  • 7 lb Core Ball (Ultimate Edition)
  • 4 additional workouts on 2 dvds (Ultimate Edition)

The Deluxe Package workouts are 15 minutes each. The cycle one dvd contains three workouts & an intro to the system tutorial. The cycle two dvd contains three workouts, and the bonus Barefoot Abs dvd contains one workout. The Ultimate Edition Package contains four 15 minute workouts on 2 dvds, one upper body & cardio and one lower body & cardio. Each dvd provides a beginner, intermediate, and advanced modifier. Each dvd is fully customizable - mix & match a warmup, workout(s), and cooldown.

The workouts in this set present a Short Burst Training method for rapid results! I love interval training because you can work out for less time & get more benefits! The workouts contain sculpting, cardio and flexibility training all at once and all in just 15 minutes. You can easily mix & match the workouts for longer or more varied routines to kick it up a notch if you want. The Deluxe Package is a two-cycle system specifically sequenced to optimize your weight loss in just 60 days!

I have already started using my Zip Trainer and am LOVING it! Stay tuned for detailed reviews of all the Zip Trainer workouts, right here on my blog! I absolutely love how the Zip Trainer absorbs impact when stepping or jumping on it. The FIRM master instructors: Allie, Alison, Kelsie, Stephanie (shes back!!!), Emily, and Annie lead the workouts in this set. Click my "The FIRM Zip Trainer" label on my top bar to view all of the reviews as they go up.

For More Information, Visit: 
The FIRM on the web
The FIRM on Facebook
The FIRM on Twitter

I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Please see my disclosures page for details.

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