
Thursday, February 13, 2014

NEW From Cindy Whitmarsh: UFIT Ultra Burn REVIEW

UFIT Ultra Burn
Cindy Whitmarsh, 2013

This dvd contains two 20 minute workouts, set to great music.  Cindy leads in a gym set with 4 backgrounders one showing beginner modifications. You will need dumbbells for this dvd. Each workouts warmup is built into the workout. 

Cardio: The workout is composed of timed intervals. Exercises include  march & hop, lunge & knee pulls, step knee ups, pliet step ins, shuffle & floor touch, soccer drill, dip & knee, ski & power lunge, lateral up & overs, jog & knee pull and concludes with a stretch.

Sculpt & Stretch: The workout is composed of timed intervals and the yoga inspired stretches are built into the strength moves.  Exercises include walk out plank & stretch, plank rows & front raises, cat cow to down dog, pushup side plank, bird dog, dumbbell cross punches, warrior, military press & knee raise, triangle, tree & bi curl, balance stick & tri kickbacks, windmill, roll back to V sit, and concludes with a stretch.

This is an intermediate routine. Cindy starts with a lower impact exercise & moves in to a higher intensity. You can easily keep it low or do the higher impact the whole time to adjust to your level. Cindy is her normal perky self & provides great form pointers. I am a huge fan of athletic timed intervals so I enjoyed the structure of this workout. I received this dvd to review.

For More Information, Visit:
Cindy Whitmarsh Fitness on Facebook
Cindy Whitmarsh on twitter

I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Please see my disclosures page for details. Do not copy, in whole, or in part any portion of any postings on my blog. Do not repost my content on any other site without my explicit consent. All of my postings belong solely to 

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