
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Q&A Session with Belly Beautiful Creator Patricia Frieberg (6-4-2011)

Belles: You created the Belly Beautiful workout while you were pregnant with your second child. What recommendations do you have for pregnant women looking to continue an exercise program?
Patricia: Prenatal Exercise has many benefits.   Firstly, it assists in building strength and endurance to prepare for labor and delivery as well the physical demands of baby care.  It also elevates the mood, and it can contribute to quicker postnatal weight loss.  I recommend that moms work with trainers that aware and follow ACOG guidelines.  Pregnancy is also a time that moms-to-be should “tune in” and listen to their body; if they are tired or fatigued then they should take it easy by  resting, taking a short walk or participating in a prenatal yoga class rather than taking on more exertional exercise.  On higher energy days, they should consider doing resistance training that includes, legs, glutes, upper back, bicep and triceps.  They should also make sure to include pelvic floor lifts if possible.  Lastly, I recommend that they use the buddy system. Pregnancy is a great time to connect with other “moms to be”, so they should try to meet up at the gym or go for a walk together.  New dads also need to be strong for baby care, so they could consider having an exercise date.
Belles: What motivated you to create fitness DVDs?
Patricia: When I was pregnant with my second boy, Geoffrey, I accepted and knew my body would change again.  I struggled with this notion a bit when I was pregnant with my first.  It was my mission to inspire women to feel beautiful during their pregnancy; that was where the name came in “Belly Beautiful Workout”. By making a fitness DVD I have a platform to reach more women.   It was also my intention to create a workout that can be done throughout the entire pregnancy.   The DVD was filmed when I was in my last trimester.
Belles: Rumor has it you are coming out with another workout. What can you tell us about it? (oooh can’t wait for this!)
Patricia: Yes, I am thrilled that I will be making another DVD soon.  This will be a Philanthropic DVD donating 100% of the proceeds to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation.  There is no doubt it will be a great fitness workout including cardio and strength with a certain mind-body twist to it.  It will be the liberal arts of fitness DVDs.   There will also be a very special bonus segment which will include some corrective exercises for Post- surgical breast cancer survivors.
Belles: You are a mom trying to juggle a busy career yet you manage to keep fitness at the forefront of your life. What advice do you have for busy moms who say that they can’t find the time to exercise?(GREAT advice!)
Patricia: I know how challenging it is for moms to feel some sort of balance in their lives.  My favorite analogy is taken from the flight attendants on the airlines, who say “be sure to put the oxygen mask on your self first before assisting another passenger”.  As challenging as it is to make time to exercise, it is important to put it in the schedule.  In the beginning, I recommend making an appointment (write it in), ie meet a friend for a walk, sign up for some group classes at your local gym, try a few new DVD’s,  or hire a trainer for a few sessions just to get you started.  It will be a lot easier to stick with it if it is written in your schedule.  I often use the buddy system when I workout, it keeps me accountable and I would not want to let a friend down by canceling. What keeps me going is being a role model for my boys (ages 5 & 1) I lead by example and get my family involved.  With the childhood obesity epidemic on the rise, we can help our children, by taking care of ourselves and implementing healthy habits.
Belles: What is your “typical” workout routine? Do you work out at home, in the gym, outdoors, group fitness, or a variety?
Patricia: I do juggle quite a bit between work, home, and my two boys, so my schedule is the biggest challenge.  I workout in small group classes a couple days a week, it usually includes resistance training and cardio.  I also do GYROTONIC, Pilates, or Yoga 2 to 3 times a week.  The other days, I hike, run or walk, as I enjoy the outdoors.  Frequently I take my 5 year old son, George, hiking. It is a great way to spend time together as he chats nonstop up the mountain. As a family, we walk together in the evenings or some weekends.
For more informaiton about Patrticia and Belly Beautiful Workout, visit her:
Belly Beautiful Workout Website
Belly Beautiful on Facebook
Patricia Friberg on Twitter

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