
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Q&A Session with the Creators of the Supreme 90 Day Program (5-21-2011)

Supreme 90 Day System is an inexpensive, easy-to-follow, total body cardio and strength workout program. The complete Supreme 90 Day System includes 10 workout DVDS produced by Cal Pozo and featuring fitness trainer Tom Holland.  Supreme 90 Day System is also accompanied by a nutritious meal plan by New York Times Best Selling Author Tosca Reno. Together, Supreme 90 Day Workout System is designed to get you lean and sculpted, all in the comfort of your own home. We had the pleasure of speaking with its creators John Dull and Michele Collier.
Supreme 90 Day has been a huge hit! What inspired you to create the series? 
We wanted to share our years of knowledge and experience to create a 90 Day program for people at ball fitness levels for an affordable price. 
Are there plans for a follow-up series? 
We have some other products currently in development that will be just as challenging and fun!
 What testing went into the series to determine its effectiveness?
 We conducted a clinically study that enlisted 55 participants to prove the efficacy of the program. At the end of the 90 days we saw amazing results which proved to us that our methodology worked. 
Other than the results, the biggest plus about Supreme 90 Day is the affordable price point. How is it that you are able to offer the workouts at a reasonable price while others continue to charge a much larger amount for similar workouts?
 The company that we developed this with has the means to produce products at a very low cost with a wide distribution.  Our goal was to make fitness affordable to the masses.
 In this economy, not everyone can afford to spend hundreds of dollars on a fitness system. Do you think the affordable pricing of Supreme 90 will influence other companies to more reasonably price their fitness packages in the future?
 We hope we started a trend that other companies will follow and do in the future.
To learn more about Supreme 90 Day, you can also visit:
Supreme 90 Day Website
 Supreme 90 Day on Facebook
Supreme 90 Day on Twitter

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