
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Q&A Session With Fitness Pro Kim Truman (6-11-2011)

Kim Truman comes from a soccer and professional dance background. She graduated with a major in Film Production and minor in Theatre/Dance. After many years working in the film industry and dancing on multiple tours, she decided to change her career path. It was a natural transition to become involved in the fitness industry and the High Performance Athletic Coaching arena. Kim has been highly involved in all areas of the fitness business and even cohosted one of the first national workout shows for television. She has an extensive background in coaching, where her clients range from professional athletes, to tri-athletes and endurance athletes, to collegiate sports teams, to the weekend warrior and neighborhood housewives. She is known for her enthusiastic and motivational coaching style as well as her high-energy workout programs. Her focus on outdoor training also sets her apart from other fitness experts.

Belles: You have quite an impressive resume including training the Dallas Mavericks and owner, Mark Cuban. What can you tell us about yourself? How did you get started in the industry?
Kim: My personal interest in fitness has been a life-long love.  I grew up playing soccer and dancing and continued throughout college.   I danced and worked in the film industry for many years before becoming a mother.  Being a mother changes everything- including goals and lifestyle choices.   Spending more time at home was now my priority, making film and dance second to my son.  My dance and film career took so much time away from home, but fitness was still at the core of my being.  I was able to reroute my career path and focus on personal training and group fitness.  This allowed me to remain physically active, but more importantly provided the luxury of time and flexibility to focus on being a mom.  I studied and mentored under many great life coaches and fitness experts.  Having a background in dance and soccer was a great foundation for learning and understanding how physical and emotional well being correlates with discipline and structure to achieve a healthy, happy you.  The energy I get from working with group fitness classes keeps me thriving.  Building personal relationships and pushing people to achieve their goals of balance, health and wellness is my true passion.  Through education, inspiration and motivation, I strive to help those I work with be the best they can be.
Belles: We love your mantra, “If Not Now, When?” So many people put off starting an exercise program waiting for that perfect opportunity to get started. Why is right now the best time to start?
Kim: “IF NOT NOW, WHEN?”  Mantra comes from long, anxious days of dance auditions.  I would walk into the studio, take a deep breath and say to myself “if not now, when?”  Every audition was a risk, but it was also a time for me to make the choice to give my all.  I feel the fitness world is a lot like dance auditions.  You suit up, show up and give your all.  It is a choice to join a gym, set weight loss/health goals and implement a fitness routine.  You’re putting yourself out there- taking risk.  Now is the best time.  Dig in your heels and go for it!  I believe each and every person has the ability to choose and follow through on positive changes allowing them to discover, explore and embrace his or her own personal greatness.  I work with clients to help create a structured foundation for positive change in every part of his or her life.
Belles: What advice do you have for someone just beginning an exercise program?
Kim: My advice to someone just beginning an exercise program is to have patience, be kind to you and embrace the journey.  Try not to be intimidated by a gym or group fitness classes.  Be proud of choosing a healthier lifestyle.  Don’t compare yourself to others- everyone has to start somewhere.  Keeping a daily food journal and fitness log will help you stay on track and see your efforts in writing.  Seek a dedicated, educated and sincere trainer or group fitness instructor during the beginning phase of your fitness journey.  It is important to work out safely with proper form and technique.  Nutritional and emotional support is also provide through personal trainers and is most important for weight-loss success.
Belles: You have quite an extensive background in the health and fitness industry – writing for fitness manuals, designing group class and fitness formats, etc. Do you have any plans to translate any of that knowledge into producing a fitness or workout DVD?
Kim: I would love to extend fitness knowledge and reach more people through the use of DVD’s and other fitness related media projects.  I hope to finish many projects, including a book on raising a healthy family from the inside out.  I am always working to create new ways to inspire people to have healthier, happier lives.
Belles: We have heard that we should mix up our routines to keep the results coming. How do you keep your clients routines interesting and keep them  from getting stuck in a plateau?
Kim: Mixing up your fitness routine is a must for best results.  Working different body parts using weights, incorporating group fitness classes, trying a new sport and getting cardio through cycling, running or skating are just a few ways to keep your metabolism high and the body guessing.  Changing up your fitness routine will also keep you from boredom and feeling like working out is a punishment rather than an activity with rewarding results.  Everybody is different.  I recognize that every client is an individual with a unique body type, starting in a different place and hoping to attain different personal goals.  I adapt to each client’s personality and always incorporate different exercises that push them beyond their comfort zone.  Fitness should be something to look forward to.  I bring positivity, fun and creativity to each and every workout.
For more information about Kim Truman Fitness visit:
The Kim Truman Fitness website
Kim Truman on Twitter

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