
Monday, April 21, 2014

GIVEAWAY: Tracie Long Longevity: Defining Shape ~ 2 WINNERS

Tracie Long has long been a renowned trainer in the home workout market. She first hit the scene as a background exerciser in the original Firm workout videos. Making her way to the front of the class,Tracie Long made the shift to Master Instructor and began leading many of the workouts. Building on her roots from the FIRM and decades of experience in the fitness industry, Tracie Long founded Tracie Long Fitness. Keep reading for a detailed review of Tracie Long Longevity Defining Shape DVD and enter to win - TWO winners will each take home one dvd. 

Longevity Series: Defining Shape
Tracie Long, 2009

Tracie works out alone in a nice studio. You will need dumbbells and a med ball for this .49 minute mostly strength workout. The dvd is fully chaptered and includes premixes.

After a warmup exercises include dip & overhead press combos, front & side raise combo, upper back fly, tri kickbacks, squat variation combo adding tempo changes & balance challenges, bi curl & plies, pushups, pliet & upright row, shoulder press, side lunge-squat-and overhead press combo, side step squats, deadlifts, and concludes with a balance series, lying leg work and a core routine before the stretch.

I rate this a solid intermediate routine that can be made more or less challenging depending on the weight you use. Lots of great multi-muscle combos and tons of tempo changes keep it interesting & keep your muscles guessing. I heavied up and got a GREAT workout! Tracie is a great instructor and I really enjoyed this workout. I received this dvd to review.

#enter to #win @tracielongchat Defining Shape DVD on @fitnessforus #giveaway

The winner will be selected at random. Contest open to US residents, no PO Boxes! I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.  I can not be held responsible for user errors in entering this contest, shipping errors, postage errors, damage in transit, or undelivered prizes. Please see my disclosures page for full disclaimers. Do not copy, in whole, or in part any portion of any postings on my blog. Do not repost my content on any other site without my explicit consent. All of my postings belong solely to Actual prizes may differ than those above.


  1. I learned Tracie has a DVD that focuses on exercise routines for Seniors. It focuses on low impact moves for all levels.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'd love to try a Tracie workout - I haven't as of yet. I should have looked her studio up when we were in Charleston though.

  4. She has a degree in exercise science (to me that's important).

  5. She started working out by jogging with her father.She has a fitness studio in my hometown.

  6. It is one of the most successful franchises.

  7. Her dad started her love of fitness.

  8. Her dad got her motivated to do this!

  9. i learned that there are dvds for every level of fitness including seniors

  10. I learned that she does classes for seniors, and her oldest client is 82 years old!

  11. I loved the sliding idea! I'm trying to lose the baby weight. I could do this with a baby in my arms or during her naps! So excited to try it.

  12. She learned how to control her weight through exercise from her father who noticed that she looked gaunt while on break from college.

  13. That I totally need to win, I wanna be fit too!

  14. tri-cep dips are a no frills way to effectively tone your arms without equipment

  15. She started by jogging with her father :)

  16. I learned that they offer free shipping.

    Les Johnson

  17. I learned she offers free shipping on all titles.I hate paying for shipping!

  18. I learned that she actually has a degree in exercise science.

  19. I learned that she has a degree in exercise science.

  20. She is from virginia originally!


  21. I learned in her DVD collections, Tracie educates both new and veteran mothers ages 35+ how to tighten, tone and get in shape.And she is the same age as me.

  22. Her first job was selling memberships out of a cigar box and cleaning the gym

  23. She started working out by jogging with her father, that's pretty awesome, I would have love to jog with my mom or dad :)

  24. I love that she started by jogging with her father

  25. there are dvds for every level of fitness

  26. There are a variety of DVDs and I think I may purchase the Platinum Low Impact for after I give birth.

  27. I learned that there is free shipping on the videos.

  28. I learned that she has a degree in exercise science and that she has a DVD specifically for seniors....very nice.

  29. She has classes and even a degree in exercise science.

  30. She also has a Platinum Fitness for Seniors which I think is great!

  31. I learned there is free shipping on all titles - love that!!

  32. I learned that her oldest client is 82 years young!! :)

  33. I learned she has been in the fitness industry for 25 years.

  34. I learned that even with all of this baby weight “It’s never too late to get back in your groove.”
