
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Acacia TV Review: Strength Challenge Featuring Deazie Gibson

Keep reading for a detailed review of a fab workout found on Acacia TV Check out their online membership where you can access tons of your favorite Acacia workouts, great new routines, and so much more all from your smart device, laptop, computer, Apple TV, smart TV and more. Acacia TV is such a great bargain at only $6.99/ month, $14.99/ 3 months or the best bargain yet only $49.99 for an entire year- PLUS receive a free 10 day trial and Acacia has been kind enough to offer my readers 25% off any membership for a year: ACACIAFFR

Deazie Gibson, 2015

Deazie leads this strength routine on a lovely beach alone. You will need dumbbells for this workout. Deazie demos the exercises first and provides some modifications for some exercises.

You perform 2 rounds of 6 sets of 2 exercises each followed by an isolation hold. You perform 20 reps of each exercise. The workout doesnt include a warm up or cool down. Exercises include plie & alternating overhead press, push ups, low hover leg raise, lunge & bi curl, weighted side plank hip drops, and side lunge & dip w/ high pull.

I rate this a solid intermediate routine that did get my heart rate up. Deazie is a great instructor with a nice demeanor and great cuing and form pointers. I love the backdrop. Great pace and gets a lot done in only 20 minutes. I received this workout to review. 

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I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Please see my disclosures page for details. Do not copy, in whole, or in part any portion of any postings on my blog. Do not repost my content on any other site without my explicit consent. All of my postings belong solely to

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