
Friday, June 19, 2015

Medal Mouth Virtual 5K: Autism Run For Charity & Bling

My newest addiction- virtual races! My newest find Medal MouthI love virtual 5k's because you control your race, your start time, your course, your date, and everything in between. I love Medal Mouth because their oganization is unique in that all our medal sales go towards a cause or ministry endeavors (cancer awareness, adoption, autism, mission trips....just to name a few). So you can feel good about showing off your bling and knowing that you are supporting a good cause. My niece and I did an autism race- what a great cause. Virtual races are an awesome way to get in some quality family time! Heres our race collage! We had a lot of fun.

The founders of Medal Mouth are big losers AKA weight loss success stories-just like me! Between the two of them they have lost 150 pounds (and counting). Running has become not only a hobby for they husband and wife team, but a way of life. LOVE IT! The family that runs together stays together! I love that this is a family business and I love that the husband & wife run together! Healthy habits and great bonding time.

Above is us before and during our race. My 8 year old niece has wanted to do every 5k with me but 3 miles is a lot for an 8 year old who has not trained so she isnt able to participate in any of the organized races around town- which is a bummer to have to deny her healthy fun. Virtual 5ks are perfect because she was able to ride her bike! In the future we will walk/running, she can ride her scooter, or we can do a triatholon type of event. We were thinking of looping around the neighborhood one round walk/running one round on her bike and the next her scooter or even rollerskates. We have a lot of fun events planned. We are going to watch Medal Mouth for upcoming races and choose a cause we love for our next race. Our cousin is autistic so we were very excited to be a part of Medal Mouths autism race. #TeamDustin!

This is us after we earned our medals. We worked hard for these, it was already over 90 degrees outside when we did our run at 8 in the morning. Welcome to the desert. We earned these fab spinner medals and they are now proudly displayed in our home gym. We are thinking of doing a Medal Mouth virtual race with her friends in our neighborhood for her birthday. Every kid can walk, run, skateboard, bike, or a combination of all around the neighborhood. We will set up water stations and mile markers to make this a really fun healthy event for her birthday party. Medal Mouth makes healthy family fun easy & accesable to everyone. Earn awesome swag, get fit, and support great causes with Medal Mouth. 

For More Information, Visit: 
Medal Mouth on the web
Medal Mouth on Twitter
Medal Mouth on Facebook

I received samples of these products to review. I was in no other way compensated for my honest reviews. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Please see my disclosures page for details. Do not copy, in whole, or in part any portion of any postings on my blog. Do not repost my content on any other site without my explicit consent. All of my postings belong solely to

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